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The next morning, Isabella was the last to wake. She went downstairs where Rick was feeding Judith breakfast.

"I didn't want to wake you," Rick greeted her as she placed a kiss on Judith's forehead and Rick's lips.

"It's okay, where's Carl?" she asked looking around the house for the teen.

"Last I saw him he was talking to Enid," he shrugged, giving Judith another spoonful of food.

"Holy crap really? It's about time," Isabella smiled.

"What do you mean?"

"The boy obviously has a crush on her," she laughed at his obliviousness. "I haven't teased him about it yet but that ends today. Jeez, don't you pay attention to your own son?"

Rick laughed at that and once he'd finished feeding Judith, the two began heading over to Morgans. Bear trailed them but she ordered him to stay outside when they reached the porch of the house Morgan was staying in.

Rick knocked and Daryl opened the door and let them in.

"We got company," he announced.

Morgan walked up to them.

"Hi Morgan, I'm Isabella, I hope you remember me from last time," Isabella smiled.

"Of course I do, your dog took a good bite out of me, twice" he smiled.

"I'm really sorry about that, he was just trying to defend us. He's usually a sweetie, and I mean that," Isabella's face got red in embarrassment.

"It's okay, I get it," he laughed. "I've heard you've come a long way from being the groups prisoner, stepping up and slowly becoming a leader beside Rick."

"Who in the world said that?" she laughed at the comment, and noticed Daryl slip out the room to the kitchen. "I'm just trying to make this world a better place for us all."

"Well, good luck in finding a cure."

Rick sighed before speaking to Morgan. "About last night-"

"All life is precious," Morgan quickly cut him off. "So, what happened? You said you had a prison but this isn't one."

"It fell, we lost a lot of our people, we almost lost Isabella," Rick answered.

"I'm sorry to hear that," Morgan replied, and Isabella squeezed Rick's hand for comfort.

"I thought you said you lost your wife?" Morgan's eyebrows scrunched in confusion.

"I did, Lori died a long time ago. But I moved on, and let myself fall in love again, got married and now we're here," he smiled.

"To be fair though, I didn't have much of a choice besides Rick," Isabella joked, causing Morgan and Rick to laugh. "This is Judith," she then passed the child to Rick.

He bounced her and Morgan smiled.

"What a cutie she is! I didn't think I'd ever see a little one again. I remember when Duane was that size. Be careful, before y'all know it, she'll be running around the house."

Isabella laughed at that. "So, are you enjoying Alexandria so far?"

"It's nice, really nice."

"Well just let me know if you need anything, I have to go back to working in the lab with Euguene so hopefully I'll see you later," she said as she excused herself.

"I will," Morgan smiled.

Isabella then opened the door and Bear tried to run in but she was quick in stopping him.

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