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Rick and the group at home decided to hold a small funeral session for Abraham, even if the grave was empty.

They needed some form of closure.

They also decided to make two more; one for Maggie and one for Glenn.

They needed Negan to think Maggie was dead, as was Glenn so he wouldn't go after them.

They would tell Negan that Maggie died from the sickness and Glenn couldn't go on without her.

Rick was in Judith's nursery, on the floor as he tried to comfort Judith who cried with Carl. Carl thought it was his eye patch and they silently sat on the floor, not saying a word.

Rick was still in the outfit from the day before, he couldn't get himself to find the motivation to do anything.

"I was supposed to protect them," Rick finally said, and Carl looked at his dad. "I failed Abraham, and now your mom and Daryl are with Negan and his men."

"We can't do anything, can we? Mom's stuck there and there's nothing we can do right?" Carl sighed, defeatedly.

"We'll fight, we have to be strong for her," Rick said."I don't understand why your mom does half the things she does, but I know she has good reasons."

"It was stupid of her to do that," Carl snapped. "It was so stupid, she knew she could've died and she did it anyway."

"Carl, I know," Rick sighed, placing the sleeping Judith in her crib. "But we can't go get her, not right now. I don't know when, or how long it'll be, but we'll get her back. We have to."

"We will," Carl then nodded.

The two smiled at one another, doing their best to console another.

Rick's heart yearned for Isabella, and even though he wanted to collapse in sorrow, he knew he had to be strong for his children and to get her back one day.


The next morning, Isabella was startled awake to Cassandra sneaking into her room.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to wake you," Cassandra whispered and placed another dog food sandwich on the table.

"Negan?" Isabella asked as she stood, unsure if someone would go charging into the room at any minute.

"He's asleep. The saviors are asleep still, I figured I'd give you some food."

"Do the saviors just casually leave their prisoners unattended?"

"They switched and I guess whoever was supposed to be here didn't show," Cassandra shrugged. "Look, I know you're trying to get information out of me to escape, but I promise you, trying that will only end both you and your friend in deep shit."

"How can you just sit there? Willingly let yourself be one of his wives and not try to do anything?" Isabella pressed.

"He breaks us, he makes us know that if we tried escaping, we would regret it. You need to realize that before it's too late."

"Letting him break your spirit? Is that something your old group would want? Wouldn't they-"

Isabella trailed off when she heard faint whistling approach the room and Cassandra tensed at the sound, immediately walking back against the wall.

Her eyes welled with tears and Isabella feared for what Cassandra would endure for talking to Isabella.

The door was pushed open and Negan took a step inside the room,

He looked between the two girls and let out a dramatic sigh.

"Cassandra, am I crazy or are you in here conversing with the prisoner?" Negan asked as he got up in front of her in a threatening manner.

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