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The next morning, Isabella was the first to wake up.

She was surprised to feel the warmth of a blanket on her, and smiled at Rick, knowing he was the one who probably put it on her.

She got up and headed to her cell, getting dressed for the run when she heard murmuring and she knew Rick was up.

She was excited to go on a run with him; come to think of it, she didn't think the two of them had ever gone on a run together.

One where it was just them two and Carl at least.

She finished getting ready and bounded down to where Rick and Carl were.

"You ready sheriffs?" she smiled as she leaned against the doorway to their cell.

Rick nodded and admired her energy.

It was clear she was exhausted, she'd been carrying Carl and Judith on her back for days on end, but she didn't let it show, keeping the energetic facade.

He liked how it would help bring Carl's mood up, the boy could use a distraction here and there from the loss he's dealt with.

The three of them piled into the green car, with Bear joining them this time.

Isabella felt like the three of them could use a lift in their mood, so she grabbed some CDs from Guillermo's truck.

She let Carl choose and he ended up choosing Nirvana, which Isabella gladly put on.

As Carl listened, Isabella began to sing along, earning a laugh from Rick.

He didn't know how she was always so happy and energetic after everything she'd been through.

He knew how much it hurt her to lose Guillermo, he had experienced the same pain with Lori. But their reactions were different, she held herself composed while Rick lost it.

He admired how strong she was.

"Fun fact, my first concert was a Nirvana one," she smiled fondly as she lowered the music. "I remember Guillermo waited all night in line to get tickets."

"I wish I could go to a concert," Carl frowned as he looked out the window, he never went to one before and he knew it would never be an option again.

"Tell you what," Isabella smiled at him from the rearview mirror. "Once we get rid of this problem with the governor, Bear and I will personally put on a concert of your choice."

Carl laughed as he looked at Bear.

"Okay but only if you put Bear in a ridiculous outfit," he smiled at her from the mirror.

"I hate dressing dogs up," she shook her head. "But I'll do anything for you, so I guess."

The three of them laughed and eventually grew quiet as they continued.

Soon they spotted a man walking towards them on the road.

He was alive and called for help.

She took a glance to Rick as she pressed the gas pedal harder, speeding past the man.

She knew the group couldn't take any risks in bringing new members, not right now.

Still, as the man grew smaller in the rearview mirror, her mind couldn't help but keep racing to think what if that was her.

She wondered where she would be if Shane hadn't snatched her up.

Would she still be alone? Or would she have found a group?

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