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It was two days later, and after getting constant rest, Isabella finally felt whole. Her energy was brimming and she wanted nothing more than to get out of the quarantined cellblock. She wanted to walk amongst the group again, but more so she wanted to hold Judith again.

"You look much better," Herschel concluded after checking her vitals one last time. "You're officially disease free."

Isabella smiled briefly. "How's Glenn?"

"He's getting better, but who knows when he'll fully recover."

"But he'll live right?"

"Yes honey, don't worry, Maggie wouldn't let him die. And if he did, she'd bring him back to give him a piece of her mind."

"Now get out of here, go hug the kids. I have errands to run."

Isabella didn't wait a second more and bounded out the cellblock with Bear rushing in front. They burst through the doors to the courtyard and Bear ran faster than she'd ever seen him run as he ran into the field, running in circles.

The sight made her laugh and was glad that after days holed up he was finally able to go out. She looked up at the sky, the bright sun blinding her eyes but she didn't care, she missed the feeling of the sun on her skin.

Carl appeared by her side with Judith in his hands and Isabella let out the biggest smile as she picked up the baby whose hands were stretched to her.

"Hey sweetie," she cooed and planted a kiss on Judith's cheek. "I've missed you so much."

She let out the biggest laugh as she spun around, and seeing the little one's face light up in joy only boosted Isabella's energy.

"She really missed you," Carl said before excusing himself to go help in the field. As Carl walked away from her Isabella smiled and felt at home with what they'd done to the place. The kids playing with Bear, the little farm they had, it felt special and Isabella loved it.

Isabella noticed Judith was growing tired and went inside to set her down for a nap, and just as soon as Judith fell asleep, a loud explosion rang out, shaking the entire cell block.

Judith woke crying and Isabella scrambled as she began stuffing supplies in her bag, and refilled her bolt supply as she threw her crossbow over her shoulder.

She hurried outside with Judith in her carrier and handed the baby to the awaiting kids.

"Don't let anything happen to her okay?" she told a set of sisters named Lizzie and Mika.

"We'll protect her," Mika replied and they hurried into a nearby bus that would take the kids somewhere safe until the adults could get to them.

"Bear! Go with them!" She ordered the pacing dog and he didn't move. "Go Bear! Now!" She repeated and he bounded into the bus after the girls.

She hated parting ways with him, but if anyone would need extra protection out there it was those kids, and Bear would do his damndest to protect them .

She just hoped she'd see him safe at the end of this.

She hurried in grabbing a shotgun from the stash of guns, grabbing extra to hand out to the group huddled against the fence.

Isabella wanted to cry at the sight.

The governor was here, and he'd kidnapped Hershel and Michonne. He called for Rick to go down there and she saw that for the first time in a while, he didn't know what to do.

He then said something to Carl and glanced at Isabella, sending a nod before walking into the field.

Isabella tried to console Maggie and Beth but it was useless as she too was too stunned by the scene.

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