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Isabella woke to the birds chirping in the distance with her hands still tightly clamped on the pair of scissors. She had stayed up as long as she could before eventually falling asleep later in the night.

She placed the scissors on the floor and hugged her knees, the air crisp and chilly.

She kept her eyes trained on the shed door, keeping herself ready to run at any moment. Her wounds still stung, and she was sure her leg was infected since the bald man had cut into her skin.

It was red and puffy, hurting her with every tiny step. She knew that trying to escape could get her killed, but anything was better than staying locked up here, waiting for death to take over.

People died to help her get where she was, Guillermo died so she could live in this world, and she wouldn't let his death be in vain.

She refused to back down, she had a goal, and she planned to accomplish it.


Daryl stood outside, staring at the distant shed that held the girl they came across just four days ago.

"You ready?" Rick came out of Hershel's house, closely followed by Shane.

Daryl grunted as he nodded and pushed himself off the railing, heading towards the shed with the two men behind him.

They decided they would let the rest of the group decide the girl's fate, they would bring her over to them, and explain the situation with her and hopefully come to a conclusion.

Daryl leaned back against the shed as they reached it, Shane being behind Rick as he went to unlock the door.

Isabella heard the lock click from the outside, and she smiled, now was her chance.

Daryl nodded at Rick, signaling for him to open the door. Rick sucked in a breath as he slowly pulled the door towards him, nervous as to how the girls future would end up.

The door was then thrown back, knocking Rick back into Daryl, with the girl running out, anxious to escape.

Shane jumped in front of her, ready to stop her, but he hadn't known that she was prepared.

Isabella smiled as she pulled out the scissors, sending it into his stomach, knocking him back at the same time.

"Shit!" Shane seethed as he was sent to the ground, his gut-wrenching with pain.

Isabella ran faster, wanting nothing more than to get out this prison, but the group had something else in mind.

Daryl quickly tackled her and pinned her down on the ground, putting an end to the shenanigans.

"Get the fuck off me!" Isabella screamed, struggling to get free.

"Not till ye calm down," Daryl grumbled, annoyed by the girl.

"I said let me go!" she snarled, looking over her shoulder into his piercing blue eyes.

"You stupid bitch!" Daryl's and her eyes both flew to where Shane was storming towards them.

"Shane, no!" Daryl yelled, trying to hold Isabella down.

Isabella's eyes grew wide, she knew another beating was coming.

"I'm gonna kick your ass," he growled as he reached her and sent his foot flying forward, hitting her right in the face, sending her flat on the ground.

She groaned as she felt the warm blood trickling out her nose.

"Shane! Calm down!" Rick growled and stepped in between him and the girl, not wanting her to get hurt again.

"Calm down?" Shane scoffed, glancing at Rick. "This bitch stabbed me and you expect me to calm down."

"You're the reason for it asshole," Isabella shouted with Daryl still holding her down.

"You're asking for it," Shane jabbed his finger in her direction.

"Both of you, enough!" Isabella froze and looked up at Rick, the frustration clear on his face.

"We're trying to make the situation better, but neither of you are helping," he snarls, his eyes darting between the girl and Shane.

"Get mad at her!" Shane pointed at her.

"Shane!" Rick snarled, not wanting to deal with this crap.

Shane balled up his fist before scoffing and folding his arms and shutting his mouth.


"Are you calm yet?" he kneeled down to be level with the girl.

Isabella stayed silent, staring into Rick's blue eyes.

"Answer him," Daryl snarled and twisted isabella's arm, earning a hiss from her.

Rick didn't budge, not caring what Daryl did, as he repeated his question.

"Are you calm or not? Because if not, we're gonna have some problems."

Isabella stayed silent for a short time before sighing and nodding. "I'm calm," her accent coming out.

All she wanted to do was get out of this place.

"We're trying to help you," Rick said lowly to the girl. "We're taking a vote, to see if you could stay or not."

Isabella stared deep into his blue eyes. "I don't want to stay."

"Great," Shane scowls. "I vote we kill her."

"Do it," Isabella challenged, she didn't care.

"We're not killing anyone," Rick sighed. "We're doing this, whether you like it or not."

Shane scoffed. "Fine, but don't go crying when the group agrees on us killing her," he began to walk to a campsite with few men and women.

Isabella noticed Bear in the distance playing with Carl, bringing a quick smile to her.

She was glad that the two things she cared most about so far were getting along.

Daryl lifted her up, forcibly sending her to her feet.

"Let's go," he grumbled and pushed her forward.

"Easy," isabella seethed, her wounds erupting in pain.

Daryl ignored her and continued dragging her to where the remainder of the group began to huddle.

Fear and worry mixed in their eyes.

Who was this girl?

How'd she even get here?

The questions rushing through their minds.

Daryl came to a stop at the edge of the group, pulling Isabella to a stop as well.

Shane pushed himself in front of Daryl, and shoved her to the ground, immediately causing her to cough, clutching her gut.

"Easy," Rick scowled at Shane.

"She's our prisoner, not our guest," Shane glared.

"Okay, can we not use that word?" Lori hugged yourself. "I don't like it."

The group fell silent as they all surrounded the girl, whose eyes refused to meet those of her captors.

Daryl shifted his weight as he looked down at the beaten girl who had been beaten and tortured over the past four days.

A part of him regretted bringing her back, maybe he should have let her escape.

"So," Rick sighed, averting Daryl's attention.

"What're we gonna do with her?"


Yes i know, it's been wAAy too long since i last updated and i apologize.

But two things, i'm not unsure on how to take this book, i thought i had it figured out but now i'm questioning myself.

Also, i fell in a one direction hole and i keep listening to them on repeat and i really miss them ):

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