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"We have to kill Rick before he kills us," Isabella heard Carter say from the back of the pantry as she and Rick entered it the next day, preparing to head out.

She turned the corner and saw him holding a gun to Eugene's head.

"What the hell is this?" Rick asked.

Isabella reached for her knife in her back pocket, she was ready to attack him if he tried anything.

"We're taking this place back from you," Carter told them.

"That's what you've been talking about back here?" Rick asked the crowd standing in the pantry.

Soon Daryl and Morgan arrived at the pantry.

"That's what he was talking about," Tobin motioned to Carter.

Rick didn't hesitate and quickly took the gun from Carters hand, and used his forearm to knock him back into the wall and Carter fell to the ground.

"Did you really think you could take this community from us? From Glenn? From Daryl? From Isabella? From Michonne? From me?" Rick spat.

Isabella only wanted to stop Rick so she herself could kill Carter. She knew she promised not to back to her vengeful days, but hearing someone threaten her family made her want to throw that promise out the window.

"It was just me," Carter rushed out. "Just kill me."

Rick held his gun to Carters head, not moving.

"Rick," Daryl said next to Isabella.

"I'm good," Rick said as he put the gun away. "You can try to work with us and you can try to survive."

"One wrong step, and I will send a bolt through your skull," Isabella said, anger behind the voice. "Rick showed you mercy, but I'm not him."

The people then slowly trickled out the pantry and Isabella hated that they would be going out with them today. But she also knew they had no choice, they needed the numbers if the plan were to work.

Everyone got to work in collecting supplies and guns.

Isabella grabbed extra bolts, and even a handful of throwing knives she'd found out on the road some weeks ago.

"We're not exactly going to war," Rick said.

"Feels like it. Besides, I'd rather be safe than sorry."

"Is there even a safe anymore?"

"We can't let a bunch of pricks like Carter ruin this place for us, we outmatch them, we're stronger, faster than them, they have nothing on us."

"Agreed. And before we head on out, I have a surprise for you," Rick smiled.

"Oh? Do tell," she arched an eyebrow as he grabbed her hand, guiding her to whatever awaited her.

"How about you guess?"

"Guess? What are we,12?"

"Just guess," Rick chuckled.

"Is it...a puppy?"

"We have a dog already?"

"And? We could always add to our collection," she laughed.

"No, it's not a puppy."

"Is it a new crossbow?"

"No, but it is something new, or semi new," he said.

"Is it a car?"

"I'm not telling you," he laughed.

"I bet it is a puppy," she said and they neared Aaron's house

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