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Isabella stared into the cracks of the floor and sighed. It had been a day now, a day since she was taken by this group.

A group member had come in the previous day, his name was Dale (or that's what Isabella thought), who came and asked her questions, about her life and all that. He hated how she was like this, that she didn't deserve to be tied up.

And to her dismay, he didn't bring any food to her, and now Isabella's stomach wouldn't stop growling.

Also, yesterday a man came in and took away the cuffs, only for it to be immediately replaced with rope, which still was a relief on Isabella.

Steps crunch the gravel outside the shed and she sees the outline of someone's short shadow standing in front of the door.

Isabella raised her eyebrow, wondering what the person was doing there.

The lock on the door fumbled around, as the person tried to unlock it, but to no avail. They must not have a key.

The shadow then disappeared and Isabella let out a sad sigh, nobody was here to save her.

She then heard footsteps on the roof and she looked up, being able to see someones outline walking on top.

The persons head peered over, revealing the little boy that had watched her earlier when Hershel had tended to her wounds.

The kid continues to stare at her before he decided to hop down, his feet thudding as they hit the wooden floor.

"Hi," the boy said sheepishly, processing what he was doing.

"H...Hello," Isabella replied.

"Why are you here? Shane and my dad said you attacked Shane, is that true?"

"He attacked me first," she shook her head. "I had no choice."

"He wants to get rid of you, you know right?" he kicks his feet.

Isabella simply nodded her head, why was this kid here? Did the group send him in?

"What's your name?" he sat down, criss crossing his legs.


"Isabella what?" he pushed.

"Isabella González." she muttered.

"Carl Grimes."

She let out a small chuckle. Grimes. The last name reminded her of the filth, like grime.

"Is my last name funny to you?" Carl said, letting out a laugh.

"Actually, it is," she smiled at him. He would probably be the only one she would open to. He's the only who hasn't shown her hostility.

"Well, yours sounds funny too," he remarked.

"Funny how?" she said, already feeling a connection with the boy.

"It just sounds... foreign," he shrugged.

She smiled at him before her eyes fixed back to the wall, thinking of nothing in particular.

"Are you hungry?" the kid asked, rising to his feet.

She looked him timidly.

"If you are, I can sneak you some food."

"No, don't put yourself in danger for me," Isabella shook her head.

"No, no it's okay, really," he refuted. "I have to help you. My dads always taught me to do the right thing, and that's what I'm going to do."

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