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"What the hell is going on down there?" Guillermo shouted in the walkie, with the continuous gunfire in the background.

Why weren't they using the silencers?

"It's a herd Guillermo!" Isabella eyes darted to the walkie.

"It's big Guillermo! Bigger than we've ever seen," the vato continued yelling into the walkie.

Isabella recognized the voice, Felipe.

"How big?" Guillermo scowled, this wasn't good.

"I don't know ese! There's gotta be at least a hundred of them," the frustration clear in Felipe's voice. "We can't take them!"

"No, we can," Guillermo shakes his head and grabs his rifle. "I'm going out there," he says brushing past Isabella.

"Isabella, go with the elderly, they'll need you."

"No," she shakes her head slinging her crossbow off. "I'm helping you."

"We don't have time to fight dammit!" he growls and walks out the door, leaving Isabella alone.

She thinks of what to do, before running to the roof where Guillermo and the vatos are shooting.

Isabella gasped at the sight.

"How could there be so many?" she approaches the ledge.

"I told you to go downstairs!" Guillermo yells over his shoulder.

"And I said I'm helping," she shakes her head and begins shooting some with the shotgun.

"There's a breach!" her eyes dart down to Guillermo's walkie.

"What?" he speaks into it.

"In the west side, they're in Guillermo! They've already gotten some of us!" the panic clear in the vatos voice.

Isabella tenses and looks at her brother.

What would they do now?

"Shit, shit," Isabella steps from the ledge and runs downstairs with Guillermo hot on her tail.

She runs to the room where the senior citizens hang out and covers her mouth in shock.

There's walkers, attacking them.

Some are already dead, the ones who couldn't get away. Some are trying to escape on their wheelchair and some are doing their best to run.

She closes her eyes as she turns behind the wall, leaning against it.

"No!" she looks at her brother, who's shooting the walkers, trying his best to save the rest of the senior citizens.

"Guillermo," Isabella whimpered, sad to see her friend's dead. "Guillermo, we have to go. We can't stay," she tugs on him.

"No, no, we have to stay. We've been here this long, we can stay longer," he shakes his head and heads deeper in the room.

"Guillermo!" she goes to grab him but he runs out of her reach. She looks in the room and decides not to follow him in.

"Fuck," she growls as she turns and sprints to her room.

She reaches it and slams the door shut, and begins to stuff her stuff in her bag.

She stuffs in her remaining ammo, clothes, and anything valuable.

Bear barks and she whips around to him. "Be quiet," she looks at him.

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