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The ride to whatever hell awaited Isabella was long and harsh. It felt like hours that she was in the back of that van.

Her bottom was aching from sitting for so long, it must've been hours on end she was in there. She wondered how far Negan sent her off to but she knew it was far enough that none of the people back home would find her.

As much as she hated Negan, she applauded him for being smart in his tactics, but she still wanted to bring him down.

After some time of driving, the van stopped and a savior opened the door, and pulled her out. He uncuffed her wrists and she looked at him in confusion.

"Bathroom break and stretch your legs. You got thirty minutes, so use it wisely. And don't try anything or we'll just shoot you," he explained and she nodded.

She didn't even try and escape and just enjoyed being able to walk around the woods they stopped near. It was nice having the sun on her back and not being tied up.

She did her business and just sat against a tree thinking of those back home while she waited. She wondered how everyone was holding up, from everything they've been through. She wondered how Rick was holding up but mostly she worried about Carl and Judith. Those two kids were what pushed her to keep going in life and not being able to be there with them was hard.

Not being able to watch Carl continue to grow into the great man she knew he'd become was hard. Not being able to be able to watch her baby girl grow up was hard. She wondered if she'd see either of them again. She wondered if Judith would even remember her.

No. No, Isabella would be damned if she thought that way. She wasn't going to pity herself, she knew it was possible she'd die wherever she was going but she would die trying to get home if she had to. She wasn't going to let them break her, not completely.

She just enjoyed the scenery of the woods before the Saviors dragged her back in the van and continued their drive.

She tried to track how long she was in the van, but the only indicator she got of time was the light peeking through small holes in the walls. It took a while but soon they drove even into the night. She wondered how far she was from her family.

Despite how far she was from them, she'd never stop trying to reach them. If she had to travel ten miles or a thousand, she'd travel the whole world if she had too; she'd let nothing stop her from seeing her family again.

Soon she noticed the truck begin to slow Isabella's heart raced as she felt the truck come to stop.

"What the fuck?" She then heard the savior driving say through the walls. "Does anyone know what the fuck is going on?"

"Looks like they got raided," a voice came from what sounded like a walkie and Isabella craned her head to the noise. 

"Shit, you think there's survivors?" Someone else asked.

"Not sure, how many were there?"

"Negan never told us, there could've been ten or a hundred of them.'

"Okay, then we get off here and force our way in. We'll take out any threats in there," the savior from the front said.

"What about the prisoner?"

"I'll stay with her, make sure she doesn't escape, now go!"

She heard footsteps fade away and she heard the savior who stayed walk to the back. He opened the vans doors and bound her hands as she had slipped from her previous bindings.

"Get any ideas and you'll regret it, okay?" He spat and brought his knife to her throat and she glared up at him.  He stayed quiet until gunshots rang out from inside the community.

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