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The next day the group got closer to Alexandria but there was much tension in the air. Any small conversation between Isabella and Samantha resulted in arguments, whether they were straight forward and aggressive or sneaky and petty.

The two kept their distance from one another, so while Samantha stayed near the front, Isabella did her best to stick to the back, away from everyone.

She didn't know what it was, but she just couldn't click with these people. They were so quick to judge her and none even tried to get to know her. Even before she beat Michael, they just did small talk but never asked any personal questions.

They weren't like Maggie, or Daryl, or Carol, or Glenn, or Abraham, or Rosita, or Tara, or Michonne, or Eugune, or Carl and they weren't like Rick.

They didn't get her like everyone back home did. And even when they didn't get her, that didn't stop them from talking to her, to try and get her.

It made her miss everyone even more.

They were merely a day away from home. They'd begun walking once the sun rose and managed to not stop once.

There was still light out but the sun would be setting in a couple hours. The group kept going, not wanting to stop early.

They came across a small cabin, and while they didn't want to stop, they decided to pass through it and loot anything useful as supplies were running low.

Isabella was the first inside, and the group made sure it was clear before going through all of the drawers.

"Looks like nobody's been here for a while," Isabella sighed as she opened a low cabinet, and found a small box of ammo for her silenced pistol.

"Yeah, but I'm sure you'd have killed them already if there was," Samantha quipped from across the kitchen near the other cabinets.

"What the hell is that supposed to mean?" Isabella scowled and shot to her full height, staring down Samantha,

"I don't know, why don't you ask the saviors you killed? Or how about the entire community you slaughtered last week!"

"Oh don't act like you're better than me!"

"Well, considering I don't go ruthlessly torturing people, I'd say I am, and-"

"Okay enough you two!" Both the girls turned to Caleb who stepped up to them with his nostrils flared. "What you both need is some space, how about we just stop here for a bit."

"I'm not the problem here."

"I don't care who is. Both of y'all clearly just need some space from one another."

"Fine, I'd be glad to get away from her," Samantha huffed and hurried to the front door.

"Just don't get too far away!"

She ignored Caleb and the front door slammed shut behind her as she walked far from the cabin, wanting to get as much space from Isabella as possible.

Isabella sighed and went out the back door, sitting on the steps, and stared into the woods.

"Fuck," she sighed and placed her hand on her head. She knew Samantha was right.

Isabella had gone cold, and she hated that but after enduring all she had in the past month was hard to let go of. And she hated that.

She didn't know if she could ever go back to the cheerful, jokeful person she was before. She knew it was bound to happen, everyone changed eventually but letting go of that person, the person that Guillermo was so proud of would be so hard to do.

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