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The pair then began to walk, with Samantha behind Isabella, pointing the gun at her to guide her.

They walked for miles and as they continued walking, they heard the unmistakable distant sound of gunfire.

"It's been chaos while you've been gone, well for your side at least," Samantha said and Isabella simply took a quick glance at her from behind.

The two kept walking and Isabella looked up at the sun that would clearly be setting in a few hours.

"Your entire group and all of the communities banding together against us are delusional."

"Don't tell me you think y'all will win?" Isabella scoffed.

"Even if we don't, we'll make sure the job gets done; we're not afraid of doing what it takes."

"My groups pulled through worse, we'll make it out okay. It's your mindless army friends you should worry about."

"How about you shut up and keep walking, yeah?"

Isabella scoffed and the pair kept going. They kept going until the sun was about to set, they had less than an hour of sunlight left.

Isabella hated how she was now Samantha's hostage but she knew if she was patient, she wouldn't be a hostage for much longer. She'd do anything to escape and help her family.

Isabella was sure they'd be reaching the sanctuary soon and she needed a plan quickly if she wanted to escape and get back with her family.

As they kept walking, Isabella soon spotted an old strip mall and a sigh of relief escaped her lips. If she could escape the sight of Samantha, she could stealth her way and attack Samantha.

Her eyes scanned the environment and she spotted some walkers aimlessly walking in front of the strip mall to which Samantha paid no attention to.

Isabella spotted a rock and threw herself to the ground, pretending to trip. She grabbed the rock and prayed Samantha didn't notice.

"Get the fuck up," Samantha scowled as she yanked Isabella to her feet.

They kept walking and once they were closer to the strip mall, Isabella turned around and threw the rock at Samantha's head.

She reeled from the impact and sent a shot on accident, causing the attention of the nearby walkers.

Isabella could've attacked her, but with her hands bound it wouldn't take long for her to lose the fight.

She ran towards the stores, doing her best to dodge the shots that came after her and she jumped through one of the store windows, crouching behind an old counter.

Samantha aimed the gun into the store but the walkers got closer and soon Samantha was forced to fight them.

Isabella took that as her chance to find something sharp to cut the ropes from her hand. She searched the isles and found nothing until heading to the back of the store and found broken glass on one of the drink displays.

She quickly placed her hands through the door and quickly sawed away at the rope with the glass shard.

"Come on, come on," she frantically said, continuously turning her head around to see if Samantha had finished dealing with the walkers.

She saw there were only two more walkers and it'd only be a matter of time until Samantha came after Isabella.

"Got it!" She exclaimed quietly as  at the same time a shot rang out, lodging into the wall inches atop her head.

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