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The next morning the pair woke and both got ready to confront Deanna about Pete's actions.

Isabella had a feeling Deanna wouldn't be surprised when hearing the news but she didn't say anything to Rick, knowing it was possible for her to be wrong.

The two grabbed their jackets and were soon out the door with Bear hot on their heels. They walked side by side with Bear between then as they headed to the cemetery, knowing Deanna would still be there.

They found her silent in front of her dead son's grave and Isabella felt for the woman. Bear whined as he cautiously approached her to which she plastered on a fake smile.

"May I?" she looked at Isabella for permission to pet the dog. Isabella nodded and Deanna's eyes brimmed with tears as she ran her hands over his fur.

"Deanna, look, I know you're going through a lot, and I'm truly sorry. But we have an issue with Pete and it needs to be addressed," Rick said as gently as possible.

"I thought it'd get better," she silently said, causing Rick and Isabella to look glance at one another.

"You knew about it?" Isabella questioned.

"Pete's a surgeon," Deanna nodded. "He's saved lives, he's saving Tara's right now."

"Deanna, he's beating his family," Rick said with frustration.

Deanna didn't say anything at first. "What am I supposed to do?"

"Stop him, do literally anything," Isabella snapped. "Tell me Deanna, have you ever been beaten?"

"No. Does it matter?" she looked up.

"Why the hell wouldn't it? Us doing anything, anything to stop Pete would make such a difference in their lives. If you were in Jessie's shoes, you'd understand, but of course you don't. You don't know how it is Deanna, you don't know the fear coursing through Jessie and the kids veins right now. Deanna, please, we have to do something."

"What if we separated them?" Rick asked.

"He wouldn't go for it, so tell me what then?"

"Then I'll kill him. We'll kill him," Rick said.

"I'd exile him before going to that," Deanna shook her head as she stood. .

"That's stupid," Isabella said. "We both know he'd come back. He wouldn't take no for an answer and he won't leave until they're dead, because if he can't have them then nobody can."

Deanna took a step to Rick. "I'd send you out before killing you. We don't kill people here," she then walked away leaving Isabella in shock.

"They're all too complicit, none of them even batted an eye at the truth. None of them will do anything." Isabella said. "Look with Jessie, we can't blame her for not wanting to do anything right away, it's hard. But so long as we support her, she'll realize she doesn't' deserve that shit from Pete."

Rick didn't say anything as he simply nodded.

"We can't let him keep hurting them, we have to take matters in our own hands, whatever it takes now," she told Rick.

He nodded and remained silent.

She hated them already turning to killing someone, so soon after their welcome into Alexandria but they had no choice. So many were complicit to the crime, nothing would be done and the cycle would only continue if they did nothing about it.

The pair then separated as they had to go to their day jobs.

Isabella smiled at Maggie as they passed one another.

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