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"If Rick says we're not running, then we're not running," Glenn stated as the group argued on what to do.

Some were scared, knowing the governor could attack at any moment.

Hershel wanted to leave, and so did some other members.

But the rest wanted to stay, to protect the home they built for themselves.

Isabella wanted to stay.

"No, better to live like rats," Merle countered from behind the cell door to which Isabella rolled her eyes.

The group continued to argue, argue on what to do, argue on who's a fault it was that they were even in this predicament.

"It doesn't matter who's fault it is," Herschel argued. "I say we still leave, we can't just sit here."

Isabella opened her mouth to argue with the man, but he yelled at Rick as he walked away.

Isabella's back stiffened up, she'd never heard the man yell before.

"You're slipping, and we know why," Herschel said as he approached Rick. "But now is not the time."

Rick ignored the man and angrily headed out to go on watch.

Carl soon followed suit and left the group in silence.


Soon the group was back to debating on what to do with the issue of the walker-filled field in front of the prison.

"Isabella and I could go out on those towers and take out as many walkers while the rest try to fix that fence," Daryl said.

"Or use some of the cars to put the bus in place," Michonne agreed.

"We can't access the field without burning through our bullets," Hershel sighed.

"So we're trapped in here? With barely any food or ammo," Glenn sighed.

"We've been through this before, we'll be alright," Isabella looked at him.

"That's when it was just us," Glenn shook his head. "Before there was a snake in the nest."

"Man we're gonna go through this again?" Daryl glared as he took a step towards Glenn. "Look, Merle's staying here, he's with us now. Get used to it, all of y'all," he scowled as he bounded up the steps and away from the argument.

"Seriously Rick, I don't think Merle living here is gonna fly," Isabella looked back towards Glenn.

"I can't kick him out," Rick shook his head.

"I wouldn't ask you to live with Shane after he tried to kill you!" Glenn growled.

Isabella didn't know what to argue for in this, she knew Merle was loyal to Daryl, but Glenn had every right to feel the way he did.

After all, it was Merle's fault that he and Maggie even ended up at Woodbury.

"Merle has military experience, he may be erratic, but don't underestimate his loyalty to his brother," Hershel chimed in.

"What if we just solved both problems at once?" Glenn huffed he turned back to Rick. "Deliver Merle to the governor, bargaining chip. Give him his traitor and maybe declare a truce."

Isabella stayed silent as she didn't want a part in this, not this time.

The group then dispersed and she spotted Glenn leaning against the wall, glaring daggers at Merle.

"Hey, do you wanna go for a walk," Isabella softly said as she approached him with Bear in her trail. "Get some anger out of your system?"

"Sure," Glenn said dryly as he pushed himself off the wall and the two headed through the block, purposefully going to where they knew some walkers would be.

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