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Isabella continued running away, the dead leaves crunching behind her as she continued running deeper and father away from the farm, from her prison.

Her breathing was heavy, she'd never run this long without a stop, but she couldn't, who knew how long she had till the group realized she was missing.

Carl. The boy who'd helped her, the only group member she would remember, the only one she cared about.

She prayed silently that he would beat this world, that he would survive, that nothing would happen to him.

If someone came up to her down the road asking for help with anything to do with Carl, she would gladly help.

He was the reason she was free now, she owed him.

Isabella could feel her energy disappearing, she had to stop. But she couldn't. Not when she was this close to freedom.

She gave a final push before she slowed to a stop, supporting her weight on a tree as she tried to catch her breath.

Her mind kept wandering back to the farm, questions running through her mind.

Had they noticed she was gone yet? Were they already searching for her?

She gulped as she caught her breath and pushed herself off the tree, tugging the hoodie on her head once more.

Goodbye Carl she whispered mentally and began to a fast walking pace, she would save her energy for later.

She continued walking, and walked along a clearing that gave way to a creek, where someone lay on the ground, the person struggling to stay conscious as he mumbled stuff to himself.

She stopped, and stared down at the man, contemplating if she should help him.

She hated meeting strangers, after all, her last encounter with one led her in a cell.

But as she peered closely, she recognized the man and her eyes slightly widened.


She wanted to help him, a part of her did, even though he was with the group that beat her, she wanted to help him because she knew he didn't agree with the group on certain things.

But she couldn't, if he got her, he would take her back to the farm and she'd be a captive once more.

She scowled and shook her head and she continued walking, trying to ignore the man, when her eye caught a lone walker approaching him.

She stopped, and stared down as the walker dropped next to Daryl, and began tugging on his feet, to which Daryl remained unfazed, not noticing.

Isabella's breath hitched as he continued staring into space as the walker chomped deeper into Daryl's foot.

Isabella wanted to continue running, to just leave him, but a part of her knew she couldn't leave him alone when he was like this.

She sighed as she reached back and slung her crossbow from her shoulder and loaded it, aiming it the walker.

She sucked in a breath as she thought over what her actions could result in, how even know she knew he would take her back, she was still helping this guy.

Out of nowhere, Daryl shook himself out of his trance and jumped up, kicking the walker back, propping himself against his arms as he crawled back.

He scrambled to grab his crossbow as Isabella continued staring at him from a distance. He searched for an arrow after sending another kick to the walker then looked down as he realized he had no other arrows.

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