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Isabella kept moving for hours, and night soon approached. She took shelter in an abandoned cabin that was luckily empty. She collapsed on the floor, and shifted her body so her back rested against the wall.

She could feel the infection coursing through every vein of hers, and she broke down as she knew she'd never see anyone again.

She hated that she couldn't do anything about the bite, she didn't have anything to cut it making her death inevitable. And if by some chance she did find something to cut her arm off, by now it was too late.

The infection had done its job.

The next day, Isabella knew it would be her last. She didn't try searching for the group, she knew it would either lead to nowhere or that if she found them, one would be forced to gun her down.

So besides grabbing small snacks and rope she found, she searched for a quiet spot so that when she died, she'd feel at peace.

She managed to find a spot on a cliff, where it overlooked a breathtaking view of the woods. It wasn't anything like you'd see on any mountaintops but it would do, and she got to work.

With the rope she'd found she began tying it around the tree, and soon tied herself in it, so that when she reanimated, she wouldn't hurt anyone.

She threw her guns and crossbow a good distance from her, so that if anyone came across her body, they'd at least have something to protect themselves with.

She knew she should have shot herself, and as much as she didn't want to become one of those flesh eating things, she also didn't want to shoot herself. It was ironic, as she could become so aggressive in hurting those who hurt the ones she loved, but when it came to her hurting herself on purpose, she was a wimp.

She managed to wiggle out some photos from her back pocket, and her eyes filled with tears at each. They were the photos she took with Carl and Judith, one of Bear and the one where she'd beaten Glenn in poker.

She was going to miss them so much, but it comforted her that maybe she'd see them in the afterlife. If there was one at least.

She continued holding the photos in her hand, running her fingers gently over them as she lay against the tree feeling her life leave her.

Isabella was grateful no walkers approached her and for the first time in a while, she felt at peace as she felt the life leave her, and she closed her eyes as she accepted her fate.

"Isabella?" A voice snapped, causing her to open her eyes and standing in front of her with a wide grin was Guillermo.

"Guillermo!" she exclaimed and was somehow able to stand up as nothing stopped her. She brought him in a hug and she felt the tears pour out.

"What the hell happened here? I die and you find that as an excuse to get yourself killed? I thought  I told you to do something with your life?"

"G, I'm bit. You know what that means."

"Maybe. I know for an ordinary person, they'd be gone already. But you little sister, are no ordinary person. You're special, you've always been strong, stronger than I ever was. You've helped so many people, you've saved their lives, and you've helped them see the good in the world again. You made me see the good in the world, and my only regret is not being able to live long enough to see the great things you've done for yourself."

"You saved the group members' lives, even after they held you prisoner not once but twice. You went out of your way every night to ensure everyone was going to bed warm and fed, you were the one who stood up and looked after the children when Rick went on a down spiral. You did all of that without asking for anything in return. You've constantly shown the good in humanity and never let anyone break it."

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