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When Isabella woke the next day, her body was extremely sore. She did her best in patching herself the night before and she was lucky in that no wounds had gotten infected but she was still aching.

She was in an old house, with two walkers in with her so that if anyone came in during the night they'd alert her; it was something she did each night for extra protection.

She hated being invisible to them, but was quick in using them as a resource of protection. She'd walk along herds so people wouldn't attack her and knew no matter where they went, they'd find people, and with people she'd find supplies.

After dressing her wound one last time, she decided to get moving. Before she did so though, she also wrapped her bite mark. It was reckless in simply wearing a shirt, and knew if someone saw the wrap they'd just assume she was injured and not from a bite.

She put a hooded sweatshirt on, and pulled up the hood as she left.

She didn't know how long she walked for, but she had to stop by a creek to get water to drinking and clean her wounds later.

She began crying as she filled her water bottles. The moment reminded her of after losing Guillermo and when Shane had entered her life.

She loved the group, but a part of her wished Shane had never come across her. She wished she never accepted Rick's offer to join the group because then she wouldn't be crying herself to sleep each night from heartache. She'd have Bear with her still and maybe she'd still have her humanity.

Shots rang out in the distance and Isabella quickly composed herself, and walked in the opposite direction of the sound, she didn't have it in her to fight anyone today.

She kept moving, and soon found a house she would settle in for the next few things. Besides keeping her crossbow on her with a pistol, she left her things in it, trying to make her stuff look ransacked. Daylight was still out so she decided to go out and try to find some food.

She got lucky and managed to kill a rabbit, which wouldn't provide her the proper nutrients, but it would suffice for the night.

As she neared the house, she heard voices and she shook her head as if they would go away, but they didn't. It wasn't till she was feet away from the house that she saw some people in front of it.

She scowled as she hid behind a tree and assessed the situation. There were only two men and a woman outside, but she saw shadows emitting from inside the house.

She could've left but deeply hidden in her bag she left photos of the past, and didn't want to lose them.

The group outside the house were deep in conversation, one was a redhead, one with black but semi-long hair, and a woman who held a slightly lighter skin tone than Isabella and they didn't notice her as she slowly got closer.

She trained her gun at the woman, prepared to take the three outside out first and then move on to the ones inside. But a walker's snarl erupted from behind her, and she jumped in surprise, simultaneously pulling the trigger and it shattered a window of the house.

"Fuck!" she cursed herself for losing the element of surprise as she heard the others head outside.

The rest of the group emerged from the house with guns at the ready, with some remaining inside and Isabella's heart skipped a beat as she spotted their faces.

She shook her head at seeing their faces, they should be dead, they shouldn't be here alive right?

She felt her legs slowly move herself forward and as she stepped out from the shadows of the trees, all of the group members had their guns trained on her.

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