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The next day, Isabella found she had slept in a bit. The bed was empty and she saw the clock read ten. It was way later than she was used to waking up at and as much as she wished she woke at the crack of dawn to help around, she was glad Rick let her sleep in.

She still had a lot of sleep to catch up on and she would let herself sleep in all day once everything Negan was dealt with. She wouldn't let herself be a bum and sleep all day while her friends fought the harsh battles.

She got out of bed and took a shower before heading outside the mansion, leaving her bag full of weapons inside and only carrying her bow. Her bag was heavy with all the weapons she had in it and she couldn't deny that it was a bit hard to carry it especially with her wounds.

She went into the courtyard of Hilltop and spotted Michonne and Judith playing together, with Bear at their feet. The sight made Isabella smile. She was glad that while she was gone, Judith had someone to look after her besides Rick and Carl.

Isabella knew that Michonne cared deeply for the kids and as much as Isabella wished she were the one who spent every moment with them, she was glad Michonne had the chance.

"She's gotten so much bigger since I last saw her," Isabella said as she approached them and Michonne looked up at her with a smile.

"She has, hasn't she? I bet she's going to grow real tall," Michonne commented.

"Definitely. Taller than any of us, isn't that right munchkin," Isabella smiled as she lowered herself to Judith's height and the little girl held out a flower to her.

The little girl babbled and Isabella smiled as she took it from the little girls hands. "I love it sweetie. Thank you."

She placed a kiss on the little girls forehead and Michonne stood from the box she sat on. "I'm gonna go see if anyone needs help."

"Thank you," Isabella said to Michonne before she left. "I know you looked after them and I couldn't ever repay that."

"Don't worry about it," Michonne nodded and walked off.

Isabella then grabbed Judith's hand as they began to walk amongst the community and at one point, Isabella's eyes caught Rick and Carl having a conversation on the deck of the mansion.

She looked at him curiously but neither he or Carl noticed and she didn't want to pry so she kept walking.

Half an hour later, Carl met Isabella and took Judith from her.

"Everything okay?" She asked and he sighed.

"I want to make things right mom. We're going to make things right," he said.

"We are kiddo," she nodded and she hoped he was getting at the same thing she was.

If they attacked again, she wouldn't aim for the saviors, she'd aim for Negan and Negan only. He was the one who caused all of this and because of that, Isabella wanted his blood. She wanted to watch his blood spill from his body, wanted to see life leave him, a part of her even wanted to hear him beg for life.

She knew it was messed up for her to think, she hated having the thoughts but she couldn't help it. A part of her humanity died the day Negan came into their lives, the day she was forced to slaughter an entire community to make it back home.

She hated that she let her rage consume her to the point where it consumed her but there was only so much a person could handle before it broke their spirit. Maybe one day Isabella could go back to being her past self, she wished it would happen sooner but things just didn't work out that way and she had to accept it.

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