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"No, nope. No fucking way," Isabella shook her head.

"Everything okay?" Harlan called from the door.

Isabella gulped and slowly opened the door to where the others were, her face pale white.

"Is everything okay?" Maggie asked.

"How-how are accurate are these tests?" Isabella turned her attention to Harlan.

"Accurate. We can do an ultrasound if that'll convince you?" Harlan asked with understanding.

"Fuck," Isabella scowled and she ventured her way to the now empty bed.

"Hey, this isn't a bad thing love," Maggie said.

Isabella didn't even respond as Harlan got to work. The cold gel make Isabella squirm and everyone fell silent as Harlan moved the device in hopes of getting a clear image.

They heard it before they saw it. They heard the very faint sound of a heartbeat and then Isabella saw. It was merely the size of a grape in her uterus.

Glenn and Maggie felt silent as they looked at the image.

"It's still very soon, maybe a month and a week," Harlan said.

"Fuck me," Isabella sighed, putting her face in her hand.

"This isn't the end of the world," Maggie encouraged. "We have a home, we're not on the road anymore, you're not alone anymore. It's a perfect time."

"We have a literal impending war on our hands," Isabella sighed. "I can't tell him yet, not until this whole Negan situation is taken care of for sure."

"You can't keep it from him forever," Glenn sighed.

"Not forever, it's not like I can hide it forever anyways. And I'm sure soon I'll show the symptoms," she sighed.

"How do you know?" Harlan asked.

"I took some reproductive biology courses in college," she answered.

"You weren't a doctor?" He asked, puzzled.

"Couldn't get into med school," she shrugged.

"Do you want a photo?" He asked.

"Sure, it doesn't have much to show, but I'm sure Rick will appreciate it."

Harlan printed it and Isabella stuffed it deep in her bag.

The three of them left the trailer and walked in silence.

"Shit, you both have to keep this a secret, and I mean it," Isabella threatened. "If Rick found out, he'd worry about me instead of the Negan situation and won't let me help."

"You won't help," Glenn shook his head.

"We'll figure something out," Maggie said and Isabella sighed, nodding.

They piled into the RV and Isabella tried to ignore Rick as she didn't want to spill the beans.

The group passed around the photo from Glenn and Maggie's ultrasound and Isabella enjoyed watching everyone's faces.

Daryl, the hardened tough one of the group, sent them a light smile.

Abraham, who was so anxious about their situation, smiled too.

Isabella knew the baby would be surrounded by the best group, but she was still so scared of having it.

She never wanted kids, and she'd seen what pregnancies can do.

Rick. He had such a shitty past with pregnancy, she couldn't bear to think of it.

"You alright?" Abraham asked her, after seeing her pale face.

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