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The group never stopped moving.

They would take short breaks and hole up there, especially in the winter, but by now, they were on the road 24/7.

It'd been 8 months since the farm, and tensions were high.

Lori and Rick hadn't spoken a word to each other since that day, and she was ready to pop at any moment.

The strain on their relationship took an obvious toll on the Carl, and Isabella would do her best to talk to him, with him sometimes caving in and talking.

Whenever he'd push her away, she'd stop, knowing he'd need space until he was ready.

Rick kicked a door open, and shoots a walker in the head, with Isabella close behind as she sends a bolt through the other one, with T-Dog and Daryl close behind her.

The four of them disperse and Isabella headed upstairs, clearing any walkers in the rooms that would endanger the group.

She soon found her way back downstairs, and helped the women as they came in shortly.

They all huddled in the living, exhausted from the past few months and Isabella leaned against the wall, getting a clear view of the outside as Bear panted on the ground beneath her from exhaustion.

Isabella then spotted Daryl plucking feathers from an owl.

Isabella had grown a liking for the redneck as her and Daryl would often go hunting together and as a result they would occasionally chat to pass time.

They hadn't opened up to each other, and Isabella didn't know how Daryl felt about her, but she knew she cared for him like a brother, knowing she'd do anything to help him.

Isabella's eyes then flew over to Carl, who held two cans and tried to open it.

She squinted and sighed when she read the can label, the words Dog Food taunting them.

Rick walks over to the boy, and picks up the can, reading the label before angrily tossing it into the empty fireplace next to Isabella.

Isabella caught Rick's glare and looked disapprovingly at him.

A whistle from the corner and Isabella looked up to spot T-Dog, who pointed out the window.

She sighed as she pushed herself off the wall, as the walkers grew closer and made sure she had everything.

Bear bounded with the women into Guillermo's truck and before leaving, she grabbed the can of dog food for Bear.

She went to her bike parked at the front next to Daryl while the others piled into the cars, including a new truck they found a few months back.

Eventually, they pull over to a stop once more on an all too familiar road and Isabella sighs as she walks to where the group began to examine a fading map.

"We've got nowhere left to go," T-Dog sighed.

"When this herd meets up with this one," Maggie points at a highway. "We'll be cut off."

"What was that you said?" Daryl looked at Glenn. "There were 150 head?"

"That was only last week," Glenn sighed. "It could be twice that by now."

"The river could have delayed them," Hershel said. "If we move fast, we might have a shot to tear right through."

"Yeah but if this group joins up with that one," T-Dog gestures to the map. "They could spill that way."

"So we're trapped," isabella scowled.

"Only thing to do is double back at 27," Rick sighed, pointing at the mark. "And swing through Greenville."

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