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Isabella searched for Maggie, wanting to talk to her best friend. She knew Maggie had been through a lot and she wanted to try and be there for her friend.

She spotted Maggie walking around and she hurried to catch her friend.


"What's up Isabella?"

"Thank you for all the help and everything you've done for me, I appreciate it, really," she said and then cleared her throat after Maggie nodded. "And uh, how're you holding up? I'm so so sorry about Sasha and-"

"I'm fine, I promise," she cut Isabella off.


"I'm okay, really Isabella. Why don't you go help around yeah?" Maggie said and hurried off.

Isabella stood there in silence and she sighed.

"Don't take it personally," her eyes averted to where Glenn approached her. "Things haven't been easy. It's been hard on all of us."

"I don't blame her, I know she'll talk when she's ready," Isabella sighed.

"How're you holding up?" Glenn asked as they began to walk around.

"It's weird. For a while I thought I'd never see anyone again but here I am after everything and I don't know, it doesn't ... feel real. I feel like everythings going to get torn from my hands again."

"Well do everything to prevent that," Glenn said and Isabella nodded.

Glenn then stopped walking and she did too, looking back at him in confusion.

"Everything okay?"

"Why'd you do it?" Glenn suddenly asked after hesitating for a moment.

"Huh?" She asked,and he looked at her knowingly.

She knew what he was getting at.

She paused, looking to the ground as she began fiddling with her fingers. "You know why. I had to," she looked up at him.

He sighed and looked around before pulling her behind a trailer, so nobody would overhear their conversation.

"I just, I don't think you should have Bella."

She let out a small breath of air and slightly threw her hands. "I don't regret it okay? I don't."


"Without me doing that, you wouldn't be here, you'd be dead, do you get that?"

"But then you wouldn't have gone through what you did, you would've been here, with everyone. None of that would've happened to you," he quickly said.

"I don't care! It was worth it-"

"How do you know that? I mean look at whatever you've been through, you're not invincible Bella. You can't just make these choices on a whim and expect for things to turn out okay."

"A whim? Glenn, I did what I had to and I don't regret it. Because of it you can raise your kid now, isn't that worth it?"

"Worth it? Bella what's-" Glenn paused as it suddenly clicked in his mind.

He realized why she did it, why she did what she did. Why she was always sticking her neck out from him for so long, ever since they met. And even though they talked about it and called it water under the bridge forever ago, he knew she still held onto it.

"Don't- Don't tell me that all of that was because of what happened in Atlanta?"

She paused for a moment and he scoffed, and bit his lip slightly in anger.

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