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Despite the very believable incident that unfolded in front of Daryl's eyes; Isabella Grimes wasn't in that truck. They simply tricked him into thinking she was.

When Daryl wasn't looking, they made the switch. It was like in the movies, when he wasn't looking, they quickly threw her out of view and slammed the truck doors closed. They sent a savior who'd overrun his time in the group on a suicide mission.

He didn't know it of course, and he didn't think he'd get taken out by a rocket launcher nonetheless.

Isabella heard the explosion; it was loud and shook the entire building.

She managed to peer through an window on their loading zone and she tried to scream at Daryl that she was okay. She wanted to tell him she was alive; but of course it was to no avail.

Seeing Daryl's broken face from her supposed death made her hate herself on a whole other level.

Not much longer after Daryl was dragged back into the sanctuary did Negan come back.

"Ho-ly shit! Did you see that shit just now? Goddamn, it felt good doing that, it really did. My hands are shaking from that! And man, now Daryl thinks you're dead! And may I say, I knew Daryl cared for you, but damn causing him to break? Maybe I should've killed you off a long time ago," Negan laughed.

Isabella glared at him through her tears and he knelt to her level and took out her gag, letting her take a deep breath of air.

"What? No sly comment back?" He grinned but still, she remained quiet.

"Oh shit, I'm sorry, I really, truly am. I know it must be so hard being separated from everyone and knowing you'll never see them again, trust me, I do. But unfortunately hon, you brought this on yourself," Negan said in fake pity.

She then spat at him, and it landed right on his eyebrow.

The saviors watching stood motionless at Isabella's action and Negan gave a small laugh at he touched the spot her spit landed on and wiped it from his face.

"That my dear, was a no-no," he suddenly said and sent a punch, knocking her down fully to the ground.

She reeled back and hissed in pain as she touched the spot, and got up on her knees.

"You just don't learn do you?" He exclaimed and she tried to bring up her bound up hands to cover her face from whatever he would send her way but it didn't come.

She looked at the ground, still waiting for a strike, for anything but when it didn't come, she looked up at Negan slowly.

"Did you think I was going to hurt you hon?" He scoffed and she looked at him in confusion. "Oh no, no I'm not going to hurt you don't worry; I promise I won't put a hand on you anymore. But I never said that I wouldn't hurt someone, more specifically one of your friends."

"Wait!" She exclaimed and Simon quickly stuffed the gauze in her as he grabbed her back, holding her back and Negan laughed, taunting her.

"I warned you! I warned you that your bullshit would get you or someone else killed and since we can't kill you, guess it'll have to be someone else huh?"

She screamed in her gauze, tears poured from her eyes as she tried to plead with him but it was to no avail. Negan wasn't going to listen to her anymore, he got what he wanted, and he was going to get more from her.

"Oh look at that fellas! Now she begs, now she realizes her mistakes! And I bet now you'd say yes to joining us, wouldn't you? You'd do anything to save your friends that you just doomed?"

She didn't even hesitate in nodding furiously and she heard the saviors chuckle, all of them laughed at her.

"That is so goddamn heroic! Oh, that shit just warms my heart, it really truly does!" He mocked Isabella. "I bet you're really regretting not just saying yes and becoming one of my wives huh?"

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