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Isabella stayed in her truck that night when the men went to execute Randall.

The guilt ate at her, knowing she could've been in that situation if the group decided to kill her.

She saw the way Dale looked at her, and she hated it.

But she knew it had to happen to protect the group.

She evntually spotted the men leave the barn, with Randall still alive.

She ran up the Rick, curious as to why he was still alive.

"Carl was there," he shook his head. "I didn't want him to see."

Isabella nodded, wondering when the execution would be pushed back.

But before she could ask, an ear piercing scream erupted from the field.

The entire group ran over, and found Dale with his intestines out, and a dead walker lying next to him.

Isabella placed her hands on her face, sorrow erupting for the man.

This was her first loss from the group, and she knew there'd be more down the line but she didn't want that.

She looked away when Daryl shot the man, putting an end to his suffering.

That night the group went quietly back to their tents, and isabella looked at Dale's RV with sadness, wishing she could've gotten closer to the man in the short few days she knew him.

The next day they held a funeral in his honor, and at the end, Rick gave a speech in that by honoring dale, they'd let Randall go, and give him a chance to live.

Him and Daryl would drive out, and do the same process with him as they did Isabella.

After Isabella helped with clearing the perimeter, she helped the group move their stuff in the house as Hershell finally offered them a place to stay in the house.

While she let the group drive Guillermos truck to the house, she rode her bike and parked it, before going to help the others.

Once she finished up there, she went to help Daryl put more wood on the shed walls so that Randall wouldn't escape.

Once they finished up, Isabella looked over thier work and smiled, looking at the redneck.

"I don't think even I would be able to escape that."

Daryl huffed and walked past her, and climbed the ladder to the ground, clearly uninterested in a conversation.

She shook her head she followed him down and soon found herself back in the house, placing her blankets and pillows in the corner.

After that, she left Bear in the house with Carl and went to where Daryl and Rick were prepping the truck.

"You need any help?" she asked after T-Dog walked away to grab Randall.

"If you could just grab the rations for him thank you," Rick nodded at her and she gave a quick nod and turned to head into the house.

"Hey!" Isabella froze and spun around to spot T-Dog rushing back. "Randall's gone."

"Shit," Isabella hissed as the followed the three men to the shed, examing the anywhere he could have escaped.

"Even you couldn't escape huh?" Daryl scoffed as she ran her hands through her hair, wondering if Randall would try to find his group.

Rick went in and looekd over the cuffs, and came back out shaking his head.

"Cuffs are still there, he must've slipped out."

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