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Isabella didn't know how long she slept for, but when she woke it was day and she had a slight fever. She was also surrounded by walkers now. All of the people she killed last night, minus the very few she had killed in the head by accident had come back as one of the undead.

Having them around her was nice, she enjoyed watching them having to suffer in being one of the mindless, flesh hungry beings. It also helped her not have to worry about someone sneaking up on her, as they would immediately swarm any idiotic person trying to enter.

The walkers around her also let her know that while she let her guard down in changing her wraps, she'd be okay. Her bandages she had put on last night were caked in dried blood and she worried how she was able to move around.

Her bullet wound was extremely sore and she knew any sudden movements would make it worse but the pain was tolerable. All she had to do was maintain her wounds and they shouldn't get anymore infected than they have. And as much as she wanted to rest up to let her body heal, she didn't want to spend any more time away from home.

She missed everyone. Every single member, even if they made her upset in any way shape or form. Heck, she even missed Spencer. She just wanted to be home, she hated being gone from them for so long. What she hated even more was the fact that since she was so far from home, it'd be even longer till she saw everyone again.

If they really were somewhere in Maine, that'd still be a nearly two week walk for her. It could even take longer with her wounds, hell she didn't even know if she could make it half the journey. But she wouldn't stop trying to get home.

After cleaning the wounds again, focusing more on the bullet wound she scavenged the buildings for supplies and found enough to hopefully keep cleaning her wounds for a week minimum.

She then went to the lab and searched for their findings.

In the lab, she found some vials and she knew what they possibly were. She knew it was very possible they found a cure but she also knew maybe they failed. If she had failed in finding one, maybe they had too right?

There was no way these incompetent saviors would be able to discover the cure from her literal suffering while she failed.

Either way, she wasn't going to let them have the privilege of finding it. So, she destroyed it. She destroyed every finding in that lab. Every vial, every flask, every measuring cup, every syringe filled with some substance she threw on the floor.

Everything in the room she destroyed, nothing salvageable was left.

After doing that and double checking she had everything useful, she decided to leave. She grabbed an orange she found on the way out and quickly ate it, savoring the juice coming from it.

She checked their vehicles and found one to have barely any gas. It wouldn't get her more than forty miles from this place but she'd take it.

She loaded her bag into the passenger seat with her weapons and turned the engine, pulling away from the place that was her personal hell for the past week and a half.

She discovered that the community was situated a few short miles north of I-95 and she did her best to drive along the highway. The ride was short, and when the vehicle ran out of gas, there were woods on both sides of the highway.

She had no clue what town, if she had even reached the next town, she was in. She didn't know exactly where she was but she knew that if she followed the highway, then eventually she had to get close to home.

She needed to find a map of some sort, but had no clue where to look.

She walked along the highway and once night hit, she came across an old hotel lying along it. She slowly ventured to it, only being able to maintain a slow limped walk from her wounds.

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