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Rick, Carl and Isabella laid there on the hospital bed for several minutes, relishing being in each other's presence. All three of them were so shocked and grateful that their family had been reunited, and they sat in silence for some moments of peace before the other group members would come in and swarm Isabella.

Isabella loved all the other members, but she relished the peace and quiet for now, relished not having to put on a fake smile.

It wasn't until ten minutes later that Rick pushed himself off the bed.

"I'll go find Siddiq. And I'm sure the others will be thrilled to hear the news," Rick said as he kissed her forehead.

"Thank you, I appreciate it," Isabella nodded.

Rick smiled and left Carl and Isabella alone in the room as he headed outside the trailer.

"Rick?" Glenn asked as soon as the door closed and he bounded down the steps. "So? How is she?"

"She's awake," Rick let out a smile.

Maggie let out a sigh of relief as she brought herself into Glenn's arms and Daryl too even let out a sigh of relief.

"Can we see her?" Maggie asked.

"Siddiq should see her first but then I'm sure she'd love to see y'all."

Rick went and found Siddiq, who had just waken up from sleep and the two hurried to the trailer.

They went inside, and Siddiq quickly got to work in checking up on Isabella, ensuring she was okay before giving her the clear to head out.

"Where's Harlan?" she asked with confusion when she realized she had yet to see the caring man.

"He's gone. The saviors killed him," Rick explained as Siddiq gave Isabella some medicine through the IV.

"Fuck," was all Isabella was able to say and Rick nodded.

Some ten minutes later Siddiq took out the IV from her arm and wrapped her arm.

"All right Isabella, you're good to go," Siddiq smiled.

"Really? I don't need to stay for observation?" Isabella asked.

"Obviously just stay away from intense activity for the next few days but you should be okay by the end of the week. Although I have a feeling you'll disobey my orders," Siddiq gave a smile.

"I'll make sure she follows them, don't worry," Rick joked.

Carl then excused himself out the trailer to go update the others on Isabella's condition.

Once Siddiq stepped out the room Isabella paused, and her mind raced on how to tell Rick the news.

"Is everything okay Isa?"

She opened her mouth to say something but her mouth just hung somewha t agape as she thought of how to explain to him, how to tell him she lost the baby.

"I have something to tell you, something that you-might get mad at me for."

"I could never be mad at you," Rick said and sat on the bed next to her. "What's wrong?"

She fiddled with her fingers and stared at them as she bit her lip before sighing and opening her mouth.

"I lost the baby," she turned and looked at him.

Rick sighed sadly and nodded, bringing her into his chest.

"Siddiq told me. I'm so sorry Isabella, I'm so sorry that happened to you."

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