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Isabella sighed, staring at the cut from her fight with Thomás last night.

She never imagined that he would ever actually hurt her.

She opener the drawer in the restroom, and rummaged through, searching for a Band-Aid.

With a grin, she took one out and laid it over her cut.

She didn't need anyone noticing it.

Especially her brother.

He would freak out if he found out she'd be hit.

Especially by Thomás.

He never approved of their relationship, saying Isabella was too good for him, and that he didn't deserve her.

But she had never listened. She always only saw the good in him, ignoring his flaws.

Boy, was she wrong.


"And that's basically it," Isabella closed the hood of the car, and looked at John, one of her employees.

She was the manager at a Firestone.

John had recently joined, and he was still trying to figure out how stuff works around here.

"I uh...," he scratched the back of his head. His face flushed red, embarrassed to have being showed how to do this stuff by his manager, who was a girl.

His eyes darted around to see if any co-workers were laughing at him, but nobody had paid attention. With a sigh of relief, he turned back to Isabella. "Thanks, I'll figure this out eventually," he chuckled.

She nodded and cleaned her hands on her rag, and stuffed it back in her back pocket.

"You got this," she smiled supportively, before leaving and heading inside to her small office.

It was nothing near fancy, all it had was a desk, a chair, and a computer from the Stone Ages.

She walked behind her desk, and pulled out her keys. It was lunch time, and she was going to go visit her brother at his work.

She headed outside, and hopped on her motorcycle. "Say hi to your brother for me!" Isabella's eyes shot up to Frank, a employee that was close to him.

"You got it," she smiled, nodding and kick started her bike.


She walked through the doors of the small building, and she receptionist looked up, grinning at Isabella.

She made frequent visits.

"Isabella, how's it going?" Judy was her name, looked up.

"I'm great, where's my brother?" she asked, trying to avoid Judy saying anything about her cut.

Judy noticed it when Isabella first stepped through the doors, but didn't say anything. She knew Isabella worked with cars all day, maybe a metal piece slipped, and cut her cheek.

"He's back in his closet," she said, keeping a smile on her face.

"Thanks," Isabella smiled and walked towards the back of the building, where his closet was. Or as her brother liked to all it, his little "office".

She opened the door to closet and a look of confusion came over her face.

He wasn't in here. She checked her watch.


It's his lunch time, but where is he?

She closed the door and decided to head to the break room, maybe he was getting food from the vending machine.

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