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Negan had no clue what to do with Isabella.

Was she really immune?

He could barely believe it. If he hadn't witnessed it with his own two eyes, he would've never believed someone could be immune, yet there Isabella was; exactly that. But now knowing that she was immune meant an endless of possibilities for him.

It made him want Isabella to be on their team that much more but a part of him knew Isabella would never stay there.

He knew the other saviors couldn't find out, he barely trusted a quarter of them with serious stuff. The saviors were good for muscle but when it came to the brain aspect, well, almost all of them lacked in that department.

A part of him wondered if they should test her. Negan could care less about finding the cure, and he didn't think he'd ever want a cure since this world already took anything he cared for but if they could get one it could help the saviors in the long run.

It could help them become invisible to the dead, it could mean they could attack as many communities as they could and never worry about getting overrun. And if they couldn't get all of the Saviors immune, he'd find a way to make himself immune. Then he'd truly be the king he worked so hard to become.

He knew that only two or so saviors had worked in the lab before the fall, but didn't think anyone else did. Even at that, it wasn't as if they had an readily available lab at the sanctuary or at any of the sister bases.

He did however remember coming across a wandering group some years ago, he didn't make friends with them but he remembered them mentioning heading to a community somewhere in Maine. They'd given him a map that would help him find the place and he dug it from deep in his desk and studied the map.

The map given to him indicated the community was somewhere along the northern outskirts of a small city called Bangor.

He knew the base was well sustained and knew a lab neighbored the place. Even though he hasn't made contact with those people since, he knew they would do anything to help Negan.

He'd saved their lives, they owed him. Luckily for Negan, he knew these people didn't pretend to be good people. He knew they would have no problem agreeing with Negan.

Now he just didn't know what to do with Isabella; he knew if Rick and the others knew she was alive and out there, they would stop at nothing to find her.

He needed them to think something happened to her.


Isabella sat against the wall in the dark, staring into space as she wondered what Negan was planning.

A part of her wondered if it was worth it; possibly losing her life so that Glenn and the others she loved could live.

She shook her head, she would never regret doing what she did. She didn't want to die, she wanted to watch Carl and Judith grow older but knew that so long as everyone at home lived, it was worth her doing what she did.

She heard the door unlock and Negan entered the room with a savior that wasn't Dwight this time. She didn't know his name, but she recognized him to be one of the Saviors the group ran into on the road.

"How is our immune friend doing?" Negan smiled.

Isabella didn't respond to him and instead sent him a glare.

"Oh chin up hon, you get to leave this place and get a new life somewhere else. It's not like you'll never see your family again...oh wait, that's exactly what this is," he softly laughed

Isabella sent him a harsh glare and he laughed.

"Anyways hon, Simon here is going to tie you up, you know, as a precaution."

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