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"When we get to the farm," Rick looked into the rearview mirror, catching Isabella's attention. "You should probably wait in the car until we've explained the situation."

Isabella nodded, running her hands over Bear's fur.

"The group wouldn't take it well if you ran out soon as we got there," he continued steering the wheel. They had to be less than five minutes away.

"I'm leaving if they try anything," she sighs, sitting back into the seat. "I'm not going back to being your prisoner."

"And you won't," Rick shook his head. "I won't allow it. Just give 'em a chance to take in the news."

Isabella nodded and closed her eyes, leaning her head back against the headrest.

"Rick ain't gonna let anything happen to ye," Daryl shook his head, leaning his body against the door.

Isabella remained silent as she opened her eyes and stared at the passing trees as she got closer and closer to the farm and an uncertain future about to unfold.


"What the hell is she doing here!" Shane shouted at Rick. They had gotten back and Shane stormed up as soon as he saw the girl through the backdoor window with the remainder of the group close in pursuit.

"Back off Shane," Rick scowled.

"You were supposed to leave her fifty miles from here!" he shot his arms out. "But you brought her back, threatening the safety of the group! And for what? Because your conscious couldn't handle leaving this girl alone?"

"She saved us!" Rick growled, refusing to back down. "She saved me. I was going to get bit, but she stopped the walkers. She could have kept walking, but she decided to help us."

"This is bullshit!" Shane threw a hammer on the ground that lay on the hood of one of the nearby cars. "We already discussed things, and the group decided what to do."

"Things changed," Rick scowled. "Plans changed."

"But what if we don't want things to change?" Andrea scoffed. "It was big enough of risk before to let her loose, but now in our own camp? What if she hurts any of us? What if she hurts Carl?"

"I won't," the groups turned to the car door slamming and an angry Isabella stepping out, with her dog hot on her tail. "I don't care what you people think of me, but I'm not a killer. None of you have to worry about me killing you in your sleep, I'd never stoop that low."

"And how do we know that?" Andrea countered as the group looked at her with uncertainty.

"I could've kept walking when I saw Daryl and Rick. Heck, I could've just shot them," she defended herself. "But I didn't, because I'm human and I'm not a psychopath."

"She's staying," the group averts their eyes to Rick. "It's not up for debate. She's here now and there's nothing anybody could do about it."

"When she hurts Carl," Shane growled, stepping closer. "Don't go crying to us, because it will happen."

"It won't," Isabella scowled, seriously considered just walking away.

Shane locked eyes with her before huffing and grabbing to hammer and storming off to who knows where.

"So it's official?" Isabella's eyes darted to Carl. "She's staying?"

Rick remained silent as he simply nodded, looking back at the girl.

"So what now?" the small group looked back at Andrea. "We just pretend this girl wasn't a threat to us hours ago and now she's one of us?"

"She's not a threat," Rick scowled. "She could be beneficial to the group,"

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