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A few days later the group was outside in the prison yard to go on a run.

However, they were waiting on Glenn and Maggie, who were still in the guard tower nowhere to be seen.

"Still?" Isabella smirked as they all approached the bottom of the tower.

"They were up there last night," Rick shook his head, lightly chuckling.

"Glenn! Maggie!" Daryl shouted with a smile tugging at his lips.

A shirtless Glenn stumbled out awkwardly. "Yeah?"

"You coming?" Daryl teased earning a laugh from Isabella.

"What?" a flush of red comes over Glenn as he catches Daryl's joke.

"You coming?"

"Yeah, yeah," Glenn nodded and soon the pair was at the bottom ready for the run.

Isabella opened her mouth to tell a joke to the two, but T-Dog broke the silence and everyone's gaze shifted to where the group of prisoners was, who were outside their cell block.

"Shit," Isabella hissed as the group hurried over, a look of fury on Rick's face.

"That's far enough," Rick seethed as the group came to stop in front of the prisoners.

The group of prisoners pleaded to let Rick join the group, but Rick refused much to Isabella's relief.

Once they were alone, T-Dog pleaded for the group to give them a chance, and Rick told a story to refute that.

"We don't know these people," Isabella shook her head. "Besides, they were with Tómas, and you saw what he was capable of."

"We didn't know you either, but yet here you are," T-Dog shook his head.

"She also saved us, and she wasn't a threat to anyone," Rick countered. "They're not joining us, and that's final."

With Rick's final decision, the men then began to prepare for their run, while Maggie and Isabella headed to the courtyard.

Isabella spotted Hershel as he limped out of the prison, and she smiled as he began to take his first steps with only one leg.

Everyone cheered him on, even Glenn who was on the outside of the gates.

But the happiness was cut short.

A horde of walkers was spotted approaching from the courtyard, and Isabella sprung into action, sending bolts into walker head and the group began to flee.

She could hear the men shouting as she took down as many walkers as she could, giving everyone a chance to flee.

Soon she was the only one remaining out in the courtyard, with dozens of more walkers approaching,

The men were still too far away to be of any help, so she quickly bolted into the prison, the blackness from the catacombs blocking her sight.

She really could've used a flashlight at this time.

She could hear their growls growing fainter as she continued to run deeper in, and wished she had Bear at his side, but he was still comfortably in her cell, or she hoped he was.

She continued to move with the catacomb's twists and turns, unable to keep track of the direction she came from.

It's a problem for another time she thought, all I need to do right now is not die.

She heard faint growls from the front of her and she knew she couldn't run anymore, and her hands began to graze the walls, hoping to find a door.

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