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Isabella tried hard to not break down in fear as she crept lowly against the wooded floor, staying a decent distance from the group.

They hadn't been walking long, but she'd managed to take out any walkers nearing them.

She didn't want to be out there but she needed to help the best way she could.

A terrifying noise then rang through the woods and Isabella froze in fear in her spot.

It was the saviors... they were whistling.

It was bone chilling, it was their way of inciting fear on their enemies.

"Go, go!" Rick ordered and they frantically ran.

Isabella didn't spot any saviors near at first, but soon spotted two, facing Rick and the others as they ran.

Isabella picked up a rock, tossing it to the right of her; she'd do her best in taking them out one by one.

"Go," the savior told the other.

The one hurried to check the sound, figuring it was another member of the group they were after.

Isabella sucked in a breath, swallowing her fear as she slowly crept up behind the savior.

She jumped up, grabbing him by the head and covered his mouth, simultaneously sending .

He gasped and writhed in pain as he choked on his blood, and Isabella .

She turned to the other savior, who had his gun trained into the dark woods, hoping to spot anyone.

She steadily snuck up behind him, doing the same process with the first savior she did moments ago.

She heard the saviors laughing and noticed nobody was whistling anymore.

She also noticed the group was now in a clearing, surrounded by the saviors.

Everyone was lined up on their knees.







Even Eugene, and Isabella was relieved he was at least alive.

Back in the newly formed half circle, Rick's eyes flew around him, looking for any sign of Isabella.

He didn't realize she was separated from them until they got into the clearing.

"You looking for something?" One of the saviors spat at him.

"Or someone," another added.

"No, that was all of them in the RV," the unnamed savior replied. "Besides, if anyone was out there, they'd just regret it."
Rick's heart raced.

"Dwight, bring them out!" A savior ordered.

A blonde man walked to the van in the clearing and swung open the back doors.

"Come on, you've got people to meet," he said and pulled out an injured Daryl.

Michonne, Rosita and Glenn were quick to be pulled out. Glenn fought against their grip and Rick tried not to worry about them getting antagonized.

"Maggie?" Glenn asked in shock at the sight of his now sick wife. Maggie met his eyes with terrified ones.

In the woods, Isabella spotted some more saviors scattered, all of them facing Rick and his group.

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