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Isabella sat in the cell for what felt like days. She gave up on banging on the door and calling for help and just sprawled herself against the wall. She wondered if they noticed considering she didn't hear anyone near the cell. Nobody even came to give her food. She sat in the dark endlessly until finally, she heard footsteps outside. She squinted her eyes as the door slowly opened and she saw the outline of Simon's figure.

"So you are alive," Simon chuckled at her and she remained silent.

She glared at him as he approached her and grabbed her by the arm, dragging her out the room. She squirmed against his grasp, but from being knocked out and having no food for who knows how long, it wasn't much of a fight she put up.

Her continued to drag her and he swung the door open to another room, one that was furnished. Her eyes darted around it, looking for anything to use against Simon or to escape, but of course she found nothing.

He continued to pull her through the room until dropping her in front of a doorway leading to a restroom. It had everything a restroom would along with a towel.

"Go, you got five minutes," Simon motioned to the restroom and Isabella just stared at him, not daring to move in fear that it was a trick.

"The clock is ticking, you got five fucking minutes to take a shower so hurry the fuck up would you?" Simon snarled as he sent a light kick to her.

"No, take me back. I want to trade with Daryl," she spoke.

Simon sighed. "You don't fucking make the rules here hon, Negan does. Daryl doesn't concern you anymore."

"Anymore? What the hell do you mean?"

"None of your goddamn business is what I mean, just get in the fucking shower; you have four minutes now."

"Oh fuck you, I'm not-" Isabella didn't get to finish her sentence as Simon pushed her inside the restroom and slammed the door behind her.

"The clock is ticking, and don't be stupid, trying anything won't do any good for you," Simon shouted.

She stood frozen, not moving for some moments. She knew this was a tactic from Negan. She stood still for several moments. She then noticed there was only a towel and not another pair of clothes.

It disgusted Isabella, as if she did shower then she'd be left with nothing but a towel.

"Oh fuck Negan," she spat.

While she didn't shower, she took the opportunity to use the toilet and wash her face, which felt so nice after not doing so for so long.

After some minutes Simon opened the door and he scoffed at the sight.

"You are so goddamn stubborn you know that?" He then roughly grabbed her by the arms once more and dragged her out into the room.

He pulled her to the bed and handcuffed her hand to the frame and she sent him a glare.

"I don't know what Negan is getting at, but it's not going to work," she spoke.

"Shouldn't it? I mean, if you want your friends to be okay I mean?" He tilted his head and Isabella flared her nose.

"If he hurt them I swear-"

"What? Last I checked you're alone; all alone and locked up. Oh, and don't forget dead, looks like there's not much you can do huh?"

Simon laughed as he then left the room and Isabella was alone.

It felt like hours before she then heard the footsteps outside the hall and soon she saw Negan enter the room by himself. He walked further into the room and soon was merely feet away from her.

"What do you want?" She asked with an icy tone.

"What's with the hostility? I thought we were past this hon, you wanted to try and save your friends remember?"


"Oh shit, you didn't hear, did you? I hate the be the bearer of bad news but one of your friends were killed."

"What-What did you do? W-Who?!" She frantically asked.

"Your friends at home tried to kill me, seems only fitting one of them got punished for it I say huh? Seems like poor Olivia was the one to get punished, and I really was starting to like her."

"You asshole!" She shouted and shot her hands to attack but of course she couldn't move them from the frame.

"Do you want another friend to die? Because I can make that happen if you want. I could always go back and have that girl that shot at me killed, even though she is rather pretty."

"No! Please, please just don't hurt anyone else. I'll stop, I promise."

"Good. Now why don't you enjoy these pleasantries we have to offer? I bet now you're wishing you said yes before all of this mess huh?"

"What's the point when you're sending me off to my death in whatever amount of time from now?"

"Well I can't show you some of the good here before? I don't want to seem like a bad host," Negan shrugged. "Also I figured if we had this last day with you, you might as well enjoy it."

Isabella didn't say anything as she stared at him blankly.

"My men are out there with their shit ready to leave, and you'll be joining them. Hope you got a nap on that bed because the ride to your next home won't be short."

Negan then uncuffed her wrist from the frame before handcuffing her wrists together and began to take her outside.

She tried to struggle against him, but it was of course no use. He shoved her into the arms of another savior who then roughly brought her into a moving van.

"For what its worth, I hope you don't die there and I can see you again, and I'll make your life heaven here and you'll forget all about Alexandria."

"I'm going to kill you Negan," she then spoke before the savior could close the door and Negan looked at her with a smirk.

"What was that hon? Do you want me to hurt one of your friends back home?"

"They'll kill you before you get the chance. And I said, I'll kill you. And if I don't then I promise I'm going to kill as many of the Saviors as I can and you'll regret hurting us."

"Mm, okay hon, you tell yourself that. Tell yourself that when they're basically killing you for a cure," he plastered a smile as he then stood up and she continued to glare at him as the savior then closed the moving van's door.

Isabella didn't know how she was going to do it, but she was going to escape whatever hell awaited her and make Negan rue the day he and his goons attacked her family.

This is an Uber short chapter and I'll get another posted soon lol but Isabella will now be on her own for some more time before seeing the group again.

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