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It'd been a month since Woodbury had burned to the ground. The group had been growing too, as every time Rick and Daryl went out on runs, they'd bring more members.

They had a system and it'd been working. All they asked were three simple questions: How many walkers have you killed? How many people have you killed? Why?

It was a straightforward question and allowed the group to easily tell if someone was safe to be let in the group or not.

Things were looking good at the prison; Isabella had made many friends with the newcomers, and Bear was eager in playing with the new children.

For the first time in a while, nobody went to bed on empty stomachs, and they were never short on extra hands.

However, Isabella had yet to hold a conversation with Rick. She actively ignored him, only speaking to him in passing or about Carl and Judith.

The group members noticed this, but Isabella didn't care about repairing the friendship with Rick. She knew it was childish but why should she go out her way to mend a relationship when it was his fault for belittling her like that?

Frankly, Isabella found herself to be happier without constantly seeking Rick's approval. And for what it was worth, she was slowly moving on.

She smiled as Bear gingerly played with Carl, while Judith watched from her crib. She was in Rick's cell; a spot she spent her free time as she wanted an excuse to see the kids.

"He really loves you," Isabella smiled, as she sat on the bed. Bear loved just about anyone who would pet him, but he seemed to take a special fondness to Carl and Judith.

"I'm glad he's around, it's nice to have distractions from the outside world," Carl mumbled. "Isabella, can I ask you a personal question?"

Isabella remained silent as Carl continued to run his hands over Bear's head, scratching his ears.

"What happened between you and my dad? What was so bad that it caused you two to ignore each other?"

Isabella thought of what to say, she didn't want to say something wrong and cause Carl to snap at her or Rick.

"Your father and I simply had a misunderstanding," she shrugged. "I don't hate him or anything like that, things have just been busy around here."

"Well, I hope you two can get past it eventually."

Me too, kid.

A knock at the cell broke the conversation.

"Council meeting in five," Daryl merely informed her and she was glad to excuse herself from continuing the conversation with Carl.

She began following him to the cafeteria where they held the meetings and hoped Daryl wouldn't open his mouth.

"Looked tense in there, anything wrong?" he asked and Isabella shook her head, not wanting to get into it.

She hated not talking to anyone, she'd yet to even tell Glenn or Maggie what'd gone down but she didn't want to bother anyone with her drama.

The pair entered the cafeteria where everyone else was already waiting. Their small council were composed of Hershel, Carol, Sasha, Daryl, Isabella and Glenn.

The meeting was soon underway, and the discussion was on the matter of Rick going out past the walls with no gun.

"He's an idiot for not going out with one, he needs it," Isabella chimed in which surprised the group.

"I agree, but we can't be rash and have to consider all the arguments," Sasha countered.

"How am I being rash by wanting him to protect himself? If something happened to him out there, then that would make an orphan of Carl and Judith. Would you like to be one to explain to Carl why his dad never returned home that day?" Isabella finished and she couldn't help but get a sense of deja vu. It'd been so long since she defended Rick, and as much as she hated him, she missed it.

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