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"So?" Daryl turned to Rick after he locked the doors to the shed.

"Got some bad news," he sighed, looking over at the Rottweiler lying in front of the doors.

"What is it?"

"It's that girl, that one we kidnapped in Atlanta," they began heading to the house.

"Are you sure?" Rick didn't believe it.

"Yeah," he nodded.

"Well shit," he kicked the dirt. "We'll keep an eye on her. She was a little dangerous back there, maybe she still is," he turned to Daryl.

He nodded, knowing he'd be the lucky one to be stuck babysitting her.

"So what're we gonna do with her?" he adjusted the strap of his crossbow.

"I don't know. The group knows we have someone, so we'll probably have to talk to them about it," he sighed.


Isabella continued pulling her hands, trying to get free of the ties.

She had to get out of there.

Just then, the lock to the doors clicked and she stopped.

The door opened and a man stepped in, closing the door behind him.

He stepped forward and she recognized him as the man who had attacked her.

"Hello," he chuckled as he bent to her level.

He wanted to get rid of this girl.

He hated the fact that Rick told him no, that the group would decide.

His shoulder was still sore from yesterday when the bitch got all trigger happy on him.

He reached to put his hand on her face, and she darted it out the way.

He growled and stood up, rubbing his shaved head.

Isabella watched him with careful eyes, unsure of what he would do.

She knew he was upset about earlier when she shot him.

He growled and spun to her, sending his fist acorss her face.

She gasped in pain, unable to fight back.

"You dumb bitch," he scowled and sent his fist once more.

He bent back down, and grabbed her shirt, pulling her to the ground.

Tears began pouring out as she knew she had no way to defend herself.

He got on top of her, and began sending his fists back and forth across her face.




With a final breath, he pushed himself off her and looked her face over.

It was bruised, bruises all over.

She had a bruise under her eye, which would slowly become a black eye.

She rolled to her side and let the tears fall.

He grunted as he sent his foot into her ribs, letting out his anger once more.




He kept doing this until he felt like he had enough.

He bent down and lifted her shirt midway, and grinned at the bruises forming on her body.

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