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Sorry this chapters goofy too

It took them half an hour to get to the museum.

They all piled out the car and Isabella looked in awe at the museum.

Outside the museum was an giant Tyrannosaurus Rex and Isabella wished she had her camera.

"We need to bring both Carl and Judith here," Isabella smiled as she got closer to the dinosaur.

"Carl would freak," Rick nodded in agreement.

"Did y'all go to museums alot before? Something tells me Carl would drag both you and Lori to these things constantly," she laughed.

"You would be correct," Rick nodded as he got to the dinosaur and ran his hand along it. "Carl would go on and on about the dinosaur section but especially the space section. We had to get annual passes one year because he would beg us to take him practically every month."

Isabella laughed and they began to head to the actual museum.

"What about you? Did you enjoy museums as a kid?" Rick looked at her.

"Before running away, we went occasionally since my parents wouldn't want us going out. But after running away, I think Guillermo and I used the trips as a way to heal our inner child. Like before, they'd never let us get simple souvenirs and once going to Atlanta, Guillermo would let me splurge on whatever," she said and he nodded.

"I'm sorry you had a shit childhood," Rick sighed as they reached the doors.

"I got through it thanks to Guillermo, I don't know where I'd be without him. I use him as a reminder to do good in this world," Isabella softly told Rick.

"I wish he would've been with us now," Rick said.

"Me too," she nodded. "Although, I'm very curious as to how him being there at the farm would've panned out."

"Probably not well," Rick said honestly and she nodded in agreement.

"Okay, no more depressing stories. Let's get on with this!" She said.

Rick and her then got to opening the doors and they snaked their way in, and Bear ran ahead to explore the foregin place.

Isabella turned to the front desk and grabbed a map of the museum and a brochure displaying the information about the different sections.

The first section they hit was the dinosaur one and they admired the dinosaurs.

"Okay Rick, this is a very important question. Which dinosaur is your all time favorite?" Isabella told him.

"Hmmm, can I say two? One predator and one herbivore?" He contemplated.


"My favorite predator would have to, obviously be the Tyrannosaurus and the herbivore would for sure be the brontosaurus," he replied as they walked side by side.

"Those are safe answers," she nodded.

"What about yours?"

"I can't choose, you don't understand how obsessed with dinosaurs as a kid. I'm talking about watching Walking with Dinosaurs documentaries every day. But for the herbivores, I'm going to cheat and say two which are the Diplodocus and the Iguanodon. But for the predator its for sure the Spinosaurus."

"You nerd," he laughed as they ventured to the next section.

The next was a bunch of taxidermied animals and they took their time reading the information about every animal.

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