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this chapter is goofy, I'm sorry lmao...

Two or so weeks had passed and Isabella would find herself in the lab constantly. She'd spend most, if not all of her day in the lab and wouldn't leave until well past sunset.

Rick would bring her lunch throughout the day and constantly tell her how the kids were while also making sure she was okay.

She was constantly exhausted from the work and she yearned to take a day off but she knew it'd be worth it if she could do the right thing in the world. To help atone for her actions, and to bring some closure to her mind.

It pained her to see loved one after loved one die from the walkers, knowing she wouldn't meet that same fate and she used that determination towards her work.

It helped progress her, and she was nearing the halfway mark of finding something in the two weeks.

Today was another one of those days where she spent the whole day in the lab.

The sun had just set and she decided to call it for the night. She paused the experiment for night and began cleaning and putting away whatever she could for the night.

She sighed, knowing she'd need to make another supply run, as the supplies she'd retrieved Glenn weeks ago were basically gone and used now.

She walked out the lab and locked it for the night.

"I was just about to come get you," Rick said from behind her, startling her.

"I can walk myself home you know," she then plastered on a smile.

"I know, but I enjoy our walks," Rick said. "Did you get much work done today?"

"Sort of," she shrugged. "I'm still at the halfpoint but I think I can get closer to the final product within the month. I have to."

"Well, I know you'll reach your goal," Rick said as they reached the house and he held the door open for her as they walked in.

"There's some leftovers on the table," Rick said as she took off her jacket and walked to the dining room.

It was simply grilled chicken and Isabella hungrily ate.

"Maybe you should take a break one day. Get some rest, just relax. None of us would blame you taking a single day off," Rick said as he sat down at the table next to her.

"How can I when I'm so close? We've lost so many people to the walkers, if I can prevent it from happening again, why do I deserve the luxury of peace when they never got it?" She looked at Rick.

"You're right, it's unfair but they also wouldn't want you slaving away to find an end to this. Maybe you should get some help, Eugene maybe, give him another chance and help loosen up your workload," Rick suggested.

"I'll think about it," she sighed. "But, enough of me, how was your day?"

"The usual," Rick waved his hand. "Daryl and I are thinking of going on a run by the end of the week for supplies."

"That'll be good, I'm sure some bonding will be nice," she smiled.

"Bonding?" Rick laughed.

"Fine, my bad don't call it bonding," she raised her hands in defense for a moment before laughing.

After she finished eating, both her and Rick hopped in the shower. Rick finished first and left Isabella alone to get dressed.

As she was putting on lotion she remembered she needed to make another run, and she wouldn't be able to wait till Rick and Daryl went on their run.

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