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When Isabella woke the next day. she was surprised to see the spot on the bed next to her empty.

"Rick?" She called as she threw on a tanktop and went down the house.

It was empty.

"Carl?" She asked and stepped into the backyard, which was also empty besides Bear.

She then heard voices outside the front and sighed in relief as she walked out.

"So it's fixable?" Rick asked and Isabella could faintly hear a response from who sounded to be Daryl.

"What's going on?" She trailed as she climbed down the steps and looked into the garage where Daryl and Carl inspected her bike she'd lost some days ago.

"When did y'all get it?" Isabella asked.

"Carl and I brought it back yesterday," Rick shrugged.

"Consider this a mothers day gift," Carl grinned.

"Well I love it very much," she smiled. "Thank you both. Daryl, I'll help you with fixing it."

"I know, but I got it. I should be back to new in a few days," Daryl said.

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah, go focus on saving the world," he waved her off and she laughed.

Daryl got to work on fixing the bike with Carl trying to understand what he was doing as Isabella bid goodbye to the trio.

She then went to work in the lab, as due to the events of the past few days, she hadn't gotten the chance to work in it much.

She had a C.D. player that Daryl had found on his runs blasting a variety of alternative rock artists as she worked.

She tested endless samples, adding more, taking some with each test on how it reacted to human cells.

Soon nightfell and she hadn't even noticed; she was that focused on her work.

Rick came in, to talk to her and she didn't hear him from how loud the music was.

He paused the music and she finally noticed him.

"Oh hey, what's up?" She asked, taking her gloves off.

"It's night you know?" Rick asked.

"Oh shit, sorry, I lost track of time," she sighed.

Rick looked around, seeing the various amounts of test tubes and glassware filled with different chemicals.

"You've done all this yourself? You don't need any help?" He asked as she began putting whatever samples she could on pause for the night.

"Are you underestimating me?" She turned to him with a hand on her hip and a small smile.

"You know that's not what I meant," he smiled.

"I know and I will admit that this is tiring, but I'd do anything to get something from this," she shrugged and the pair walked out the room.

She locked the door, finding it easier to do that instead of dismantling the many glasswares she had set up already.

"Carl ate already, we were thinking of waiting for you but I knew he was hungry," Rick said guiltily.

"Eh it's okay, I'll eat whatever leftovers," she shrugged.

"Oh, Maggie invited us over for dinner in a few nights, she said they owed us dinner for what you did during the mess from a few weeks ago," Rick said as they reached the house.

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