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The next day Isabella woke early and she was still glowing. She still couldn't believe that Rick had come so close to being honest with her, and it excited her.

"Stay here Bear," she told the dog, giving him a mixture of wet and dry dog food.

She briskly passed the empty cell of Ricks and was going to go hunting by herself but forgot she was next up in guard duty.

She hurried to the tower so Glenn could get a break and felt awkward when she accidentally walked in on a soft conversation between Maggie and Glenn.

"Hey Isabella," Glenn smiled.

"I'm here to switch, it's my turn remember?"

"I was thinking of taking over actually," Maggie replied.

"Are you sure? You look exhausted," Isabella asked.

"I'm good."

"Did you just say my wife looks like shit?" Glenn teased.

"Oh hush that's not what I meant," Isabella laughed.

Isabella and Glenn then began to leave the room.

"Wait Isabella," Maggie said, stopping the pair as they turned to look at her. "You're grinning ear to ear, what's up?"

Isabella paused, trying to hide her smile but she couldn't.

"Oh shit did something happen between you and Rick?" Glenn asked.

"I swear if something good finally happened between y'all and you didn't tell us, I will let walkers take over the prison and kill you first."

"Unfortunately nothing happened."

"I sense a but," Glenn said.

Isabella couldn't help it and let a wide smile fill her face as she explained to the pair what had gone down last night. She told them she knew she was probably overthinking, but couldn't help but get her hopes up.

"Oh my god, oh my god!" Maggie squealed. "The Ricabella ship is finally setting sail!"

"Nothing's even happened yet!" Isabella bellowed in laughter at the atrocious ship name, but let herself laugh at Maggie's excitement.

The girls continued laughing for sometime before calming down and Maggie couldn't stop smiling.

"I really hope you two manage to patch things up."

"Me too, I'm sure Glenn told you what happened anyways."

"I hope it's okay?" he asked.

"Of course, I'm just glad I'm finally getting it out of my system after so long," Isabella took Maggie's hands. "I'm also really sorry I was a shit friend and went no contact with you."

"Consider it water under the bridge," Maggie engulfed Isabella in a hug.

After some more chatting about the Rick situation, Glenn and Isabella headed out to help with the group with whatever was needed.

Gunfire had suddenly rang out and the pair looked at each other in worry as they hurried to the cell block as rounds continuing to go off.

It was chaos in when they entered.

Walkers were attacking group members left and right and Isabella was ready to take them down but it wasn't long for her to register that these were resurrected members from the Woodbury group.

Meaning it wasn't a breach, and that something had killed several members in the span of a night.

People scrambled from walkers in hopes in survival and Isabella quickly jumped in action, pushing people behind her as she continued taking down as many as possible.

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