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The other half of the group shortly met up with the others at Tyreese's grave.

Isabella hated seeing Sasha in so much pain; she'd lost her boyfriend and brother in such a short amount of time.

She comforted Sasha the best she could, and said nothing as the funeral commenced for Tyreese, wanting nothing more than to make the situation better.

The funeral was nice, but nothing near what Tyreese deserved.

Tyreese deserved the world, and this world had done him so dirty over and over.

Gabriel read from his bible as the group members one at a time shoveled a little dirt in his grave.

"Thank you for taking care of my daughter. You didn't deserve this," Isabella whispered as she dumped some dirt. "I'll find a way to fix this."

Rick was the last in shoveling dirt, and angrily shoved the dirt in there. He did it over and over again and Isabella lightly touched his back, causing him to calm down at her touch.

He leaned back in her touch slightly before standing back up and the group stood silent around Tyreese's death. Only the light sniffles from Sasha and Isabella were heard, with Bear whining.

"My eyes have never been clearer. I finally know what has to be done," Isabella finally spoke and the group looked at her. "I'm not going to stand here and let everyone I love die off, I promise you I'm going to find a way in helping this world find the cure."

"Isabella," Rick whispered.

"No Rick," she shook her head, stepping back from him. "I've already made up my mind. I don't want to die but I will gladly take the sacrifice if it means a longer life for all of us. Tyreese's death will the last, I'm not letting anyone else die."

She quickly stormed off, not leaving any room for an argument.

The group split off into the cars, their moods low from the death and now worrying about what Isabella would do.

They had a long way to go and Isabella kept glancing at Judith time to time during the ride.

After about forty or so miles, the tanks ran out on all the cars. They piled out, salvaging what they could and soon took off on foot.

They were on the road for days, and it didn't take long for supplies to run out. They hadn't ate, drank or slept properly in so long and Isabella imagined they were still at the prison.

Whenever they'd stumble across any water, Isabella would let Carl drink it, she didn't need it as much compared to him.

She mainly worried about Judith, she knew babies were extremely sensitive when it came to going without food.

"She's okay, she'll be fine," Rick comforted her.

"For now, but for how much longer?" she asked for which Rick had no answer for.

Daryl and Carol split off after sometime to search for water and the group kept moving.

Carl had managed to find a broken music box and gave it to Maggie to try and cheer her up. It was a trait Isabella loved about Carl; he was always trying to cheer everyone up, even if it was hopeless.

Isabella was struggling to keep moving, her body was exhausted and after carrying Judith for so long, it took its toll on her body.

Carl took the baby and Isabella was glad to have the break. She swung her arms to stretch them.

Then the group came across a large herd in front of them; there were so many, more than Isabella could take out without a chance of them getting the group.

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