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"What the hell were you thinking?" Rick ran his hands through his hair, staring at the girl sitting on the chair.

Isabella had gotten back ten minutes ago and the group questioned as to where she got so many supplies, as well as the bike parked in the bed of the truck.

She had managed to get the bike onto the bed, after going up a small ramp, now the only issue would be to take it down.

Rick then got frustrated when she explained to them how she got countless supplies and food.

They were inside Hershel's house, back in the dining room where the group once discussed her future when she was a prisoner.

"I had to go get the supplies!" Isabella shot out her arms, trying to explain herself. "It was worth the risk!"

"You are part of the group now!" he slammed his hand on the table. "Meaning you make decisions with the group, not by yourself because you want to play hero!"

"I wasn't playing hero!" isabella snarled, shooting out of her chair. "I was thinking of the group. I got the supplies so we won't go hungry at night, so Carl won't go hungry at night. I had to get the supplies."

Rick scowled, pushing himself off the table and walking back and forth. "I don't care if you did it for the best of the group, next time, you wait for my approval. This is not a democracy."

"I had to kill my dead brother!" Isabella snapped, growing angrier by the second.

Rick remained silent, the words sinking in.

"I did that for the group," she pointed at herself. "I don't need your fucking permission to do anything."

Rick sighed, closing his eyes.

"Just... next time, check in with me, please," Rick pleaded. "We don't need anything happening to you."

"It won't," Isabella released a big breath, the anger disappearing. "But I'll keep that in mind. I won't apologize, but I'm just not used to checking in with others."

"What about when you were with the vatos?" Rick questioned.

"I didn't ever really ask G what I could do," Isabella faintly smiled. "It would cause arguments, but he couldn't boss me around, no matter how much he wanted to."

Rick nodded.

"Well, as much as we want to keep track of what you do," Rick sighed. "We can't, but just stay safe."

Isabella nodded.

"Dinner will be ready in maybe an hour," Rick said. "Get yourself situated in a tent and then come back to eat." 

"I don't exactly know where to sleep," Isabella shrugged.

"There's still Glenn or Daryl," Rick sigherd and walked into the kitchen to check in on the women.

Isabella sighed and walked out, and Bear bounded up to her wagging his stubby tail closely followed by Carl.

"Hey, Isabella!" Carl smiled up at her, grateful she came back to the group.

"Hey Carl," she smiled, messing up Carls' hair.

"How do you like it here so far?" he asked.

"It's a lot nicer now that I'm not locked up in that shed," Isabella chuckled, taking a glance at the pretty farm.

Carl frowned, thinking back as to how he helped the girl.

"Thank you by the way," Isabella smiled down at the boy. "You put yourself at risk for me, and I'm eternally grateful for that."

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