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The family walked in the massive house that was bustling with chatting guests. Soft music played in the background

"I'm so glad y'all came!" Deanna greeted them. "I didn't think you'd show."

"I'm not one to miss out on parties," Isabella smiled.

Deanna complimented her outfit before going off to socialize. Rick went off with Judith to mingle, Carl went off to chat with the kids, and Isabella canvased the room.

She saw Glenn and Maggie and pretended to accidentally bump into Glenn from behind.

"Woah, excuse me!" she faked an apology.

"Hi Isabella," he grinned with a eye roll.

"Woah you look good Isabella!" Maggie complimented the suit.

"Thank you," she curtseyed. The two then left Glenn behind as they went to go socialize with the party goers.

To say it was exhausting would be an understatement.

Isabella wasn't used to so much communication at once, and managed to hide her exhaustion but quickly grew tired of the endless questions about every aspect of her life.

All their questions were centered either about the kids, or Rick. Some complimented her suit which Isabella loved.

Soon Rick passed by with Judith and while the women ogled him she pulled him to her and fienged the best smile.

She made him introduce himself and he awkwardly did so. They shifted their attention to Judith, still unable to process that a baby was in their midst. It was rare to see a baby now.

This continued on for several minutes until Deanna pulled them away, and Isabella didn't think she'd ever be grateful to see the woman.

"There's someone I'd like you to meet," she gestured for them to follow her into the kitchen.

"How about we just run out right now," Isabella whispered to Rick who just laughed.

They were introduced to an nicely dressed man who seemed to be the same age as Deanna. He smiled and told them his named was Reg.

"Those walls out there, that was you right?" Isabella asked and he nodded.

"I had some help. But having fourteen lives out there? Looks like you got me beat," he told Rick.

"We're all standing behind these walls, so lets call it a tie," Deanna smiled.

"Besides, having a place where our kids can potentially grow up? I'd say it's a tie," Isabella added and Reg laughed.

"Well, I'm glad the both of you are here, so here, take a glass both of you," he held out two cups of liquor.

"No, I'm good," Rick shook his head.

"You don't have to be," Reg pushed.

Rick gave up in surrender and took the glass, taking a sip.

"And what about you Isabella?" he turned to her.

"I don't drink sorry," she said and Reg reluctantly took the drink back.

Isabella excused herself shortly after to let the men talk. She spotted Carol and approached the woman.

Carol had a plan on stealing the guns from the armory.

"I can help you," Isabella told her.

"No, if we get caught, you'll be in double jeopardy since you have a hidden bite, I'll do this on my own."

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