It was the next day, and Rick would go negotiate with the governor.

Isabella had a feeling it would lead to nowhere, but if they had a shot, they had to take it.

Isabella was helping Rick put the things they needed in the car.

As Isabella walked through the cellblock with the last box of things they would need, she tripped, and fell, spilling all the box's contents across the floor.

"Shit," Isabella cursed.

"Are you okay?" Rick asked as she turned on her back and took his hand, pulling her on her feet.

"Yeah, my bad, I'm sorry Rick," Isabella said as she then scrambled to place the things in the box.

"Don't be, mistakes happen," Rick comforted her as he bent down to help her.

Their fingers brushed and Isabella pulled away from her tingling hand, with a blush appearing.


"Don't be," Rick shook his head as he stood up and headed to place the box in the car.

Isabella lightly smiled and stood up, only to spot that Maggie and Glenn had witnessed what happened.

She opened her mouth to say something but ran outside, not wanting to face them.

"Be careful out there okay?" Isabella said as Rick closed the trunk to the car. "You can take Bear if you want."

"It'll be alright," Rick shook his head, turning to her. "I'll leave Bear here in case they try something while we're gone. Just watch over Carl and Judith."

He knew she would always watch them regardless.

He could tell how much she was worried about their safety. Bear was so special to her and she volunteered him to go along with them, knowing it's risky for him.

"Always," she nodded. She bit her lip before asking once more about going.

"Just please Rick, I told you what he did to the nursing home," she pleaded. "I need to be there if he tries anything."

"I know Isabella," Rick sighed. "If you go, you run the risk of getting captured again and I wouldn't want that. Stay here, that way you can help the others if he comes here. Just don't try to follow us okay?"

He placed his hand on her shoulder, staring into her eyes.

"Ugh, I promise," she rolled her eyes smiling.

"Thanks," he smiled, taking his hand off her shoulder, even though he wanted to leave it there longer.

Isabella didn't let it show that her heart was racing as he took his hand off her.

Soon Daryl and Hershel piled into the car and they were off.

She hated them leaving, and she hated not being there.

She even hated her stupid feelings towards Rick, knowing Rick probably didn't feel the same.

She hated how now Carol, Glenn, and Maggie knew something was up.

She rolled her eyes at the fact that now Glenn and Maggie knew; knowing they would mess with her from now on.

She headed back into the prison, spotting Carl playing with Bear.

She smiled and headed to her cell.

"Oh Isabella!" she heard Maggie say in a song-like tone. "Don't think you can get away from us."

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