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On this day, I wrote my first oneshot "Get Well Soon Marina."


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46.8k....1.23k... with 84 parts

And after all these years, it has never left top 10. Right now we are standing at #6!

I was 12 or 13 when I first started writing this whole book. Now I'm 16, closing this book and finally checking it off as complete.

Writing this book brought me a lot of good in the last 4 years. Helped me connect with new friends that I still talk to, got me through some tough times... I even met my first love through the comment section! That's crazy!

It was all great and fun until I finally ran out of gas to keep going with this book. My main goal was to reach 100 before I close it but thats just not possible now.

I don't see myself making anymore Pearlina content or at least at the moment. Maybe when Splatoon 3 comes out in 2022 and we get some Pearlina stuff, then maybe I'll consider it. But as of right now, Pearlina has left the chat lol

I'm gonna finish my other stories! I promised you guys I would, so just give me a bit more time. The Au is at its last 2-3 chapters and the other book is being rewritten before I can fully publish it.

I understand that Pearlina is pretty dead on Wattpad and Ao3 but thats not stopping me from finishing up what I started!


I just wanna saw thank you for a huge amount of support on this book. It still amazes me when I get a comment or a vote on this book to this day.

Because of your support, I've been more motivated to write for other fandoms like The Owl House and Danganronpa.

I've moved onto Lumity now but that doesn't mean I'll forget this book and the readers that stuck with me since day 1.

I do hope you guys continue to support me in my other books, like my Lumity oneshots.

This book is literally my baby and I watched it grow so much in the last few years. Its gonna be sad once I press that complete button but hey, good things have to end at some point right?

Pearlina was such a fun ship to write for. I love their dynamic so much and had a lot of fun exploring what they could of been outside the game and stuff.

Welp...this is it!

Again, thank you guys so much! For some, I'll see ya in my other books. For others, thank you for reading and joining me on this adventure!

I still play Splatoon so if you ever want to just hop on, my FC is in my Bio! I also have two Twitter accounts in case you wanna follow and chat or whatever.

Main: @/KakoshiY (Less active. More gameplay)

Alt: @/Kakoshi11 (Most active. Filled with Lumity and stuff)

Please be safe and take care! <3 I love you guys!

....This will be the last time I say this :(

Don't get cooked, Stay Off The Hook! <3

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