We'll always be Together

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Chapter 51: We'll Always Be Together

"Until next time... Don't get cooked, Stay off The Hook!" The duo said as they do their signature pose.

Once the camera's stop rolling, they drop their arms and face each other. Pearl felt her hearts twist in pain as she watches Marina's silver-pink eyes cloud over with sadness and pain.

There was an awkward silence between the two as they continue to look at each other. Soon Marina sighed and walked out the studio, without saying a word. Pearl didn't even stop her, knowing that she would of still walked away.

Pearl looks out the window, seeing the Octos and Squids already picking sides. There was already several people that chose Chaos, while only a few chose Order. Most of them can't even decide, looking from the terminal to their window.

She couldn't blame them. Even though it's only a fest, it feels like something real bad was going to happen afterwards.

Pearl grabbed her phone from the table and walks out the studio, not even glancing at the fans, who were trying to get her attention.

Marina wasn't home. Her bike wasn't in front of the house like it normally was.

Pearl kinda expected this, knowing that the Octoling was really upset and would like to be left alone for a while.

She takes a seat on the couch and thinks about the fest.

She had chosen Chaos because everything has been so limited.... Her everyday schedule is always the same. Wake up, eat breakfast, get ready for work, do the announcements, entertain fans, go home, chill for a bit and sleep.

There were things in between her schedule but she isn't going to go into detail. She wants something awesome to happen for once. Sure, the whole stuff with Tartar happened, but that was a little over a year ago.

She wants some action in this fest for once. She wants to win to break this losing streak for crying out loud.


It wouldn't be worth it if Marina was going to be sad. She was pouring her heart out to the crowd, to Pearl. The rapper had to say those harsh words to her, to not only stay in character but to keep her partner from breaking down on camera.

She didn't mean anything that she said on air. Well except for the facts about how Marina had way more than just Off The Hook. But the Octoling had misunderstood.

Marina had Eight, Captain Cuttlefish, Squid Sisters, Three, Four, her mom and brother and even Pearl's parents. Most importantly, she had Pearl. Yeah she was part of Off The Hook but Pearl means as a individual.

Marina is Pearl's one and only love. Wherever she decided to go with her life, Pearl would be right beside her. That will never change.

Off The Hook means a whole lot to the inkling too, despite what she said on air. She'll be heartbroken if they decided to just break apart after all their hard work to get to where they are now.

And the fact that fans like Marina more than her? Pearl could care less. As long as she has Marina, she's good. That's all that matters to her.

Pearl looks at the clock to see it's 5:00pm. The sun will be going down soon and Marina wasn't back yet.

Then a thought came to her. Pearl got up and changed out of her idol clothes and put on a simple white T-shirt and some shorts. She holds her crown in her hand and sets it down on the dresser. She won't be needing it.

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