Drunken Pearl

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Chapter: Drunken Pearl

"I can't believe you didn't listen to me!"

"Whadaya mean! I heard 'DO DRINK MORE THAN ONE CUP'!"

Marina placed a hand over her face as she deeply sighed. "Pearl... I said Do NOT drink more than one cup."

Pearl waved her hand in the air Carelessly. "Ya ya so what!" Then she leaned closer to the Octoling with a sly smirk. "Now *hiccup* can we f-"

"NO!" Marina shouted,  pushing the inkling away.

"Aww but why not..."

"Because you are not yourself right now..." Marina replied, becoming really frustrated with the rapper.

"But Reena, You become a total beast when we- HEY PUT ME DOWN THIS INSTANT! HELP I'M BEING SQUIDNAPPED!" The inkling shouted,  trying to escape from the engineer, but soon gave up moments later as she didn't have the strength to.

The DJ carried Pearl out the bar and took a short cut home.

When they got home,  Marina placed her straight in the bathroom.

"Stay right there for a minute." She said, turning on the shower, making sure its really cold.

(Let's pretend inklings and Octolings can be in water)

Minutes later, Marina turns around to find the rapper missing. "For Cod sake! PEARL!" She shouted.

She walked out the bathroom,  into the living to find the inkling hiding underneath the coffee table.

"Pearlie... What are you doing?"

"Shhh I'm hiding from that 'tall exotic looking inkling' that carried me here. Help me!" Pearl whispered.

Oh cod, she's long gone now!

Marina shook her head and was about to reply but then she got an idea.

"Don't worry,  I'll lead you somewhere safe. You just gotta grab my hand first!" Marina whispered back,  holding out her hand.

Pearl looked at the hand for a moment before grabbing it.

When the inkling stood up, Marina scooped her into her arms and rushed towards the bathroom.

"Duuude, like are you my knight in shining armor?" The inkling said.

Marina couldn't help but smile at the inkling's statement. "Yeah, now my princess,  I need you to close your eyes." She said, as she held the inkling by the tub.

Pearl did so but then puckered her lips towards the engineer. "I'm ready!"

Marina chuckled and quickly placed the inkling in the cold water.

Pearl shrieked in shock as she tried to get out the shower but Marina kept her from doing so.

About 20 seconds later, Marina turned off the shower and helped the shaking inkling out.

She opened the lid of the toliet and pulled Pearl towards it. The moment she was placed in front of it, she fell to her knees and released what was in her system.

Marina held her tentacles back and rubbed her back gently.

After moments of emptying her system, she fell limp to the floor.

Marina flushed the toliet and cleaned up the bathroom a little bit before picking up her girlfriend and walking into their bedroom.

She placed the inkling down on the bed. Rubbing her cheek lovingly, she said, "You're in for a horrible time tomorrow Pearlie."

"I know..." The inkling replied, surprising Marina a little bit, since she thought Pearl was out cold.

"I'm surprised your still up. Usually your knocked out cold afterwards."

"Hehe I'm hangin' on..." Pearl trailed off, slipping into a deep slumber.

"Goodnight Pearlie." Marina kissed the inkling's forehead before crawling into the bed and holding her close.


"Ugh...Mar do we have to go to work?" Pearl said softly, rubbing her head, trying to ease the hangover.

"For the last time, yes. " Marina Chuckled.

"But my head is krilling me!"

"That's all on you princess! I told you you only have 1 drink but you drank 4!"

Pearl grunted in annoyance.

"Oh look its time to go live!" Marina smirked as she brought her turntable over towards her.

Pearl flopped into her chair and countinued to frown at the camera.

Before they went live, their manager came over.  "Um Ms. Houzuki, can we have that frown turned upside down?"

"fuck off..." Was all she said.

Marina quickly walked over to the manager,  who looked ready to explode. "Sorry! She uh having a rough time today!"

The manager didn't look too happy. "Just get on with the show ladies." He said walking away.

Marina walked over back to her spot. She nodded her head to the crew. 

"And... We're on!"

Marina decided to switch up things.  "You guys know what time it is!"

"It's Off The Hook comin' at ya live from Inkopolis...." Pearl mumbled.

"Let's take a look at the battle stages!"

Anchor V Games (I think I spelled it right XD)

Santa Maria

"The sea looks really nice from the top!"

"I would totally love to just drown in the water right now...." Pearl said.

Marina smiled nervously as she revealed the next set of stages.

After the show, they sat in their spot,  waving at fans that passed by.

Well it's really Marina waving at the fans. Pearl just glares right through the souls of the inklings and Octolings.

"Pearlie, ya gotta lighten up a little."

"I'll lighten up when the freaking room dims down a bit..."

"... I'll make sure to talk with the crew about that.

Poor Pearl XD I have no idea what made me write this but I had to get a update out. Hope ya enjoyed it!

I don't know if the cold water thing is true or not but if it isn't I apologize XD

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