Technical Difficulties

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Chapter 5: Tecnical Difficulties (AU College)

"Yo yo, Ya'll know what time it is!" Pearl Exclamied.

"It's Off The Hook, at University of Inkopolis!" Marina announced.

"Check it out! There's gonna be a basketball game coming up next week!"

"Let's splat them up, Squids!"

"The year is coming to an end everyone!" Says Pearl as she throws her hands in the air.

"Wow, it went by so quickly! Let's finish strong everyone!"

They announce the rest of the events and news.

"Until next time, Don't get Cooked, Stay off the Hook!"

Pearl turned to her parther/lover.

"...Where were we?" She says as she grins with a blush.

"A-Are you sure now's the time?" Marina questioned.

Little did they know, they had forgotten to turn off the mic so everyone on the campus was listening to them.

"I have all the time in the world for you, sugar~" Pearl replies as she starts to kiss Marina's neck.

"Oh-Oh god~"

"Pearlie, Calm down~" Marina giggles.

Then she asked, "You turned off the mic right?"

"Yeah~" Pearl answers, not really processing the question.

Marina looked over at the mic and finds that it was still on.

"NO YOU DIDN'T!!" She shouts.

On campus, the students were either disgusted at the two, squealing on how cute they are or just don't care.

However there was one man who just happen to be in the campus and heard his Daughter and girlfriend.

Mr.Octavio, Marina's father was furious. He stormed up to their office and slams open the door.


The two were in a embrace as Pearl kisses her neck and slips her hand up into Marina's shorts. They stop what they are doing and look at Mr.Octavio.


"Dad?" Pearl ask as she looks up with sweat coming down the side of her face.

Mr.Octavio sprints towards the two.


He had dropped kicked Pearl off of Marina.

Pearl is sent flying into a wall.

"PEARL!" Marina shouts as she hurries over to her.


Well that's it for this chapter. This was based off a Pearlina AU comic that was drawn by Beanapocalypse. You can find him/her Pearlina art on tumblr. Sadly she doesn't draw Pearlina anymore but feel free to look at her other works.

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