Protecting My Precious Pearlie!

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Chapter 6: Protecting My Precious Pearlie!

"Marina, what's the appeal to using a splatbrella?" Pearl ask.

"Protecting my precious Pearlie of course!" She replies cheerfully.

Pearl fights back a blush.

"R-Right... Well that's all the time we've got!"

"Until next time... Don't get Cooked Stay Off The Hook!"

"And that's a rap" said one of the staff.

"Hey Marina" Pearl calls out after recovering.

"Hmm?" Marina replies.

"We should do a round in Turf War!" Pearl said

"But Pearl, we gotta finish writing up our song."

"Come on Mar, Please?" Pearl pleads with puppy eyes.

Marina could never say no to that face she was making.

"Fine, when do you wanna go?" She complies.

"We can go now if you want!"

"Ok just let me grab my gear."


They were currently in the lobby waiting for other players to show up, with 2 other people named Kyle and Kayla.

"Kyle! It's Off The Hook!, said Kayla.

Kyle puts his hand on Kayla's shoulder.

"Well would you look at that! Wanna go say hi?"



The 2 Inklings go over to them.

"H-Hi, Miss Pearl and Miss Marina." Kayla greets shyly, messing with the zipper of her jacket.

"Hello" Marina greets back, Pearl following with a "Yo"

Kyle laughs at his sister's shyness.

"Sup! My little sis wanted to say hi  to you guys since we are in the same team and all. She never shuts up about you two and your music."

Marina kneels down to Kayla's height, smiling.

"Is that so? What's your name sweetie?"

"K-Kayla" She answers with a blush.

"Well nice to meet cha Kayla!"

"This is her first Turf War match and is really excited about it." Kyle said.

"Ay Nice, well not only will this be your first match, it will be your first win too." Pearl says with a thumbs up.

"Attention players, the battle is about to begin so be ready!"

Each team has spawned in their respective sides and were ready.


The teams were off, inking the turf. Kyle and Kayla in the back as Kyle is showing her the basics to the game, Marina inking the sides and Pearl going for her usual 'tactic' which is going down the middle.


As Pearl was inking the turf, a charger had spotted her and was taking aim.

She noticed the beam that emites from the charger and at the right moment, dodge rolled as he/she shot.

The charger kept trying to splat her. Pearl was good for about 20 seconds until she dodge rolled herself in a bad position.

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