Big Day part 2 (Finale)

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Sniffle... its here guys.... it took a year but I finally did it :')

Marina messed with the teal bowtie as she stares at herself in the mirror. Her eyebrows were scrunched up as she nervously recites her vows in her head.

"You got this... Everything will be okay." She says to herself in Octarian.

The wedding was going to go on in two hours. Marina was beyond nervous. Her tentacles were moving like crazy.

"Hey Marina, are you rea- Oh." Callie stepped into the room and took in the scene. Marina looked at Callie with big eyes.

Callie rushed over and rubbed circles on the DJ's back. "Nervous?"

"Yeah... I know I have nothing to be nervous about but I can't help it. It feels like our first debut all over again." Marina replied.

Callie moved in front of Marina and placed her hands on her shoulders. "First, let's calm those nerves of yours. Hold for 8...then out..."

Marina followed Callie's words as she repeated this with the agent. She felt her tentacles calm down as her nerves went down slightly.

She felt silly for feeling like this the day of their wedding. She knows that Pearl wouldn't change her mind but there always had to be doubt.

"Feeling better?" Callie asked.

Marina took in one more breath before  nodding. "A little bit. Thanks Callie."

"Any thing for soon to be Mrs. Ida....Houzuki? Which one?"

Marina laughed as she messed with the bowtie. "I'll be taking Pearl's last name." She answered, blushing.

"Awww! Callie cooed, causing Marina to blushed harder. Callie smiled as she grabbed Marina's hand, pulling her up to her feet. "You'll do great! You and Pearl will be even more happy than you two were after today. You won't be waking up to each other as girlfriends or as fiancée. You'll be wives! Bonded for the rest of your lives!"

"That sounds amazing..." Marina smiled.

Callie opened the door and pulled Marina out. "Let's get you married!"
Tera raised an eyebrow at Pearl, who stood in the mirror confidently. She was suppose to wear a dress but the inkling managed to convince Marina to pick out a suit identical to hers.

(I kinda forgot how I pictured Pearl in a dress so I changed it up!)

"This girl is getting married to the most beautiful Cephalod out there! Ain't that rad?" Pearl shouted as she turned towards the agent.

"Yeah thats cool I guess." Tera shrugged as she watched the rapper bounce around. "You...don't seem nervous at all."

"What's there to be nervous about? I'm getting married to the love of my life! I'm feelin' great!" Pearl grinned as she placed her hands on her hips.

Her grin showed confidence but her eyes said a different story. Tera could easily see that but decides to let it be.

"Eh. I guess I'm just used to hearing couples being nervous on their wedding day. I mean it is pretty big after all." Tera shrugged.

"Well this squid ain't got nothing to worry about, T!"

"If you say so." She shrugged. She knew the rapper was lying. The short inkling wouldn't stop tapping her foot. "Its okay to be nervous, Pearl."

The rapper ignored her friend as she finally placed on her crown. "Security is all set up right? I don't need fans wreaking my wedding!"

"Uh yeah it is. You made me check 4 times already!"

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