No Secrets

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Chapter 62

Pearl stares at her phone in shock as she rereads what was just displayed on her screen.

For the past 2 years, she was wondering why her partner was so nervous around other Inklings. Even around jellyfish. She never switched to her squid form and always seemed different. It all makes sense now.

Marina was an Octoling. The rapper was sure that there was only one Marina Ida and that picture? The beauty mark and teal tentacles said it all.

MC_Princess> So Marina was part of this thing with the Octarian... She's an Octoling...

CaptainCuttlefish>>It was pretty obvious. Her accent and her way of using technology is something inklings would of never been able to create.

He's right... She created stages with floating platforms and-and those robots that shoot ink from under them...

MC_Princess>> I never knew... I knew she was different but I didn't think... I'll be back Cap.

Pearl stuffed her phone in her pocket and sighed. "Thank cod Rina is out right now..."

Time to digest...

Marina was an elite Octoling who was working in Octarian army since she was 9.  She was an combat engineer who built some crazy stuff, blah blah blah blah.

Then she went missing when she was 16, which is when she meet Pearl.

Pearl closed her eyes and fell out her chair, landing flat on her back. She stares at the ceiling.

Octolings were an enemy to Inklings since the Great Turf War. They were described as heartless, cold blooded killers that wanted to take things away from inklings. That's what she was told by many teachers back in grade school.

Marina wasn't any of those... She was the opposite. Always putting others before her, always smiling and hugging fans. Her eyes sparkle with joy when she gets her hands in her favorite ice cream.

And also Eight... she was like Marina. She may not know who she is but she's fighting for freedom. Her determination reminds Pearl so much of Marina. Is Eight an Octoling too??

"Rina isn't going to be too happy when she finds this..." Pearl mumbles as she places her hands over her eyes, suddenly feeling exhausted. All this digesting is a lot for this small inkling.

"Pearlie! Are you here?"

Pearl froze.

She wasn't suppose to be back until later on.

"I-I um I'm here Marina!" She stuttered out as she felt really nervous and scared.

She heard quick footsteps making there way to her room. Moments later, the tall idol is towering over her . "Are you alright? Why are you on the floor?"

"Uhhh...." Pearl avoided eye contact. "I ..fell."

Marina frowned. "Oh well... Are you okay? Did you hurt yourself?"

"Um no. I'm aight."

Marina stared at the inkling before sighing. "Well I came across a cake that I just had to buy for you. Come look at it while I go put up my stuff."

Pearl nodded and quickly hopped to her feet. Marina shook her head with a smile before walking out.

"This cake ain't too bad... where'd you get it?" Pearl asked as she takes another bite.

"There was this bakery that just opened up near the square. I went to check it out. They have a lot of good stuff." Marina replied as she sits at the table. The DJ sighs as she rest her head on the surface. "I'm extremely exhausted for some reason... But I can't sleep now. I gotta check on Eight and see how she's doing down there."

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