You Are a Winner

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Chapter 28: You Are a Winner

Pearl was really worried. Marina had been quiet every since what happened during the splatfest results. The rapper was still pretty shocked that she shouted at her.

Marina had walked into their room,  muttering, "I need time to think..."

Pearl watched as she left the living room. 

Should I let her go? She said she needs time but I feel like I shouldn't let her beat herself up over a cod damn splatfest...

Pearl looks down the Hall, Marina had walked down.

Squit... Who am I kiddin'? I have to go check on her.

The inkling gets up and walks down the Hall, toward their bedroom.

The door was opened so Pearl peeked her head through. Laying on the bed, facing away from the door was the Octoling.

At first, it looked like she was asleep but Pearl remembered that Marina is like a night owl. She never really sleeps right away at night, unless it was a very stressful day for her. Sometimes Pearl wakes up to find her girlfriend working on some beats at 2:00 in the morning!

Pearl makes her way to Marina quietly. When she is in range, she lifts her hand to place on her shoulder.

When she makes contact, Marina slightly jumped and looked over her shoulder. Seeing that it was the rapper, she calmed down and looked away.

"Mar, everything aight?" Pearl asked, moving around to climb onto the bed as well.

"Not really..."

Pearl laid on her side, facing the upset Octoling.

Marina had a sad frown on her face and Pearl did not like this at all and needed to cheer her girlfriend ASAP!

"Please tell me what's wrong.." Pearl wrapped her arms around the DJ and held her close.

Marina sighed as she laid her head on the small idol's chest. " I know I shouldn't be upset over a splatfest but it's really getting to me..."

"But it's just a splatfest. Even if ya lose, at least be proud that you stood up for your team!" The rapper replied,  gently rubbing the Octoling's shoulder.

"I get that... And don't get me wrong, I'm really proud of the great effort everyone put into the team, but I can't help but feel like people are just choosing my side out of pity or just how I look than choosing for what they prefer."

"And even when there isn't even a splatfest going on, I still manage to lose in a whole bunch of other things! When we play turf against one another, I'm always on the losing side.  In Salmon Run,  when I go do a  shift without you, I always end up not getting the minimum amount of eggs for Grizz." Marina continues.

Pearl just let her release what ever was on her mind. She understood her frustration in losing and wished she shared the moments of victories with her, just to make her feel happier. But what Marina doesn't understand is that She has won far more greater things.

"Yo Marina" Pearl cut off the DJ's rant. The Octoling looked up at the inkling with a questioning expression.

"Ya know what you said about losing all the time?" She asked which got her a nod in response. "That's all a lie." She simply stated.

Marina gave her a perplexed expression. "But Pearl-"

Pearl cut her off by kissing her gently "No Marina, shut up for just a moment, listen to what I have to say!" 

"Sure,  you only lost like 6-8 splatfest, Salmon runs, Turf Wars, shell even Maguro Kart 8 but that all doesn't matter. Those are just fun things that people do for fun. It was okay to lose those things..." Pearl stated.

Unless it is a ranked battle match and you drop a rank. Then that's a whole 'nother story." Pearl added.

"But seriously, you have won far more important things in your life that you aren't even thinking about!"

"Really like what?" The DJ asked.

Pearl looked at the Octoling with a grin. "I can tell you a gazillion things but I'll only list the good ones."

"First one is Freedom! You came up to the surface and actually managed to earn the right to live by free will!" Pearl said,  recalling what the Octoling told her, when she spoke about her past.

"Second one is a great career. Honestly, if you hadn't showed that sick demo of Ebb and Flow, I don't know where we would be right now. No where near fame, that's for sure! You're a amazing singer, dancer and DJ!"

"Don't praise me too much Pearlie, you're great too!" Marina replied with a smile.

"Not as great as you Reena! Anyway, Last but most importantly, You won my heart! If you haven't done that, I don't think we would be lying like this.  I haven't loved anyone like this in all my life but you seem to make me do so." The rapper finished.

"Now you get me? You are the greatest winner I've met!"

Marina wrapped her arms around the inkling and pulled her even closer. "Thank you so much Pearlie! I feel a lot more better now." She said, closing her eyes.

"No prob' b! It hurts me to see you like that ya know. " Pearl replied, kissing the Octoling's forehead.

"I love you princess." Marina said, slowly dozing off.

"Love you too dork."

So this was sloppily made and I apologize for that. I had the whole chapter perfectly laid out last week but I got a little side tracked and forgot what I wanted to put in it. Plus I got this amazing chapter that I want write after this!

I swear Nintendo, make Marina an enemy in the next Splatoon and I'm gonna splat ya really bad.... XD

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