Sing for me!

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Chapter 11: Sing for me!

The duo were chilling in their studio, chatting away and waving to passing fans.

"I'm so bored!" Pearl Exclamied as she set her phone down.

"Me too, wanna go do a turf war match?" Marina suggested.

"Aight sure, but let's do a bet!"

"Ok" Marina agrees, slightly nervous.

"If we end up on opposite teams and I win, You have to treat me to that amazing cake shop in The Reef!" Pearl says, jumping up and down.

Marina thinks for a moment before coming up with an idea.

"Ok Pearlie, and If I win on my team, You.... have to sing for me!"

Pearl looked surprised and actually scared for a moment before shrugging.

"Pfft, whatever. I'll win anyway so I won't be singing no time soon."

Marina giggles and kisses Pearl's forehead.

"We'll see about that."

They gathered their gears and headed towards the lobby.

Marina decided that if she was going to win this bet, she would have to use her Octobrush that came with Tenta-Missles.

Pearl stuck with her dualies, confident that she was going to win, even if she had the same weapon she used each match.

It took about 2 matches for them to end up on different teams, which they were both glad about because they needed the warm up rounds.

"Hehe prepare to buy me tons of cakes marmar!" Pearl says as they get ready to be transported to their sides.

Marina just chuckled.

And then they were separated.

3...2...1... Start!


"That's not fair! Y'all had A full team of Inkbrush and Octobrush!" Pearl pouts.

"Haha doesn't matter Pearl, A bets a bet!" Marina says, amused.

Pearl grunts as she walks ahead of Marina.

"H-Hey wait up" Marina says as she hurries after her.


They walk in their cozy apartment and head towards their bedroom.

They sit on their bed.

Pearl yawns.

"Well, I might go sleep in a few minutes. I'm worn out yo!"

"Forgetting something, Pearlie?"


"You lost the bet Pearl!" Marina reminded.

"Darn yo.. I thought you forgot"

"Pearl, you were complaining about how you lost the whole way here."

"Aight Aight, I'll do it." Pearl says while sighing


"Gotta warn ya tho, I haven't sung since I was a kid, when I did this Yolk Folk concert where many people's ears were destroyed..." Pearl warns.

"Aw Pearl... If it brings up bad memories, you don't have to do it."

"No no, I'll do it for you. After all a bets a bet"

Pearl closed her eyes, as she thinks of a song to sing.

Once she made up her mind, she takes a deep breath and starts to sing.

She was singing a gentle lullaby that her mother sung to her when she was little.

As she sang, Marina was staring at Pearl in awe.

She had no idea the rapper could sing so good!

When Pearl had ended her song, She was swept into a loving embrace.

"Oh my cod Pearlie, That was so beautiful!"

"Really?" Pearl asks in disbelief.

"Of course!"

"Hehe, Thanks Mar" Pearl says as she cuddles into Marina's chest.

"No.. thank you Pearlie!" Marina says as she gives Pearl a kiss on her forehead.

And that's it for this chapter! Hope you enjoyed this and see ya next time!

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