Interview with Pearl

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Chapter 25: Interview with Pearl

Note: Decided to make a chapter out of the interview page on the Octotune thing. I'm gonna change a couple things here and there so Enjoy!

"Pearlie! I think the interviewers are here!" Marina called out from her chair, spotting a vehicle pulling up.

"Aight cool!" She replied, making sure nothing is out of place.

There was a knock on the door. The rapper walked over and opened it.

Standing outside were 2 inklings in suits,  One was holding a camera and the other had a clipboard.

"Good afternoon, Ms. Houzuki! I'm Ted and this here is Peter!" Ted greeted extending his hand out for a shake.

Pearl grinned at the gesture and simply fist bumped his hand. "No need to the formality,  Just call me Pearl."

"Ok, Pearl. We just want to ask a couple questions!  Mind if we come in?

"Course not! Come in!" Pearl stepped aside for the men time walk in.

Pearl's mansion was really big for just 2 people. Peter made sure to take pictures of the place.

"Wow and this place is just for you and Ms.Ida?!" Ted exclaimed.

"Yep!" Pearl grinned. "Now let's get to business!"


Ted looked at his clipboard. "We're super excited to talk with you today!  Again thank you for accepting our questions and touring us around your home!" He read off the paper.

"No probs! Glad to answer y'all's questions. Even though Marina made me do this" She said,  muttering the last part.

All the rapper wanted to do was chill with her favorite Octoling.

"Ok Question 1, What's so special about Inkopolis?"

"That sunlight, for sure!  It gives everyone a bright future here! Get it?  Because the sun is bright and..." Pearl trailed off, realizing how terrible that joke was. 

The interviewers just stared at Pearl,  not sure whether to laugh or cringe at the joke.

Even Marina, who was nearby at that moment, raised an eyebrow.

"....  Next question. " Pearl coughed out, face palming herself.

"What's something you cannot live without?"

"Stages way up high! I love being up on stage, looking down upon everyone! "

"Meaning, so she can be taller than everyone else!" came a shout from the other room.

Pearl grunted.  "Yeah that too..."

"Interesting...  Will you tell us a secret? "

"Well you're gonna be digging those up aren't ya? Ask away! " Pearl simply said.

"Ok.... I always forget that you are older than you look but do you carry around a blanket?" Ted asked.

Pearl's ears turned slightly pink at the question. "Um maybe..."

She recovered quickly as she noticed they had been standing in the same spot for a while now.  "Oh yeah,  wanna go check out the next room? "

"Sure! "

They walk into a new room.  It had a nice set up with some electronics and other stuff.

"Wow what room is this?

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